Playing the Indian Card

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Is the New World Order Rising? Is It the One They Expected?


Not long ago I was lamenting how there were no trustworthy voices any longer. You could no longer trust the academics, who were supposed to be a check on the nonsense of the politicians and the crowd. You could not trust the president of the United States, even to the extent you once could, to be in broad terms on the side of freedom and right. You could not trust the opposition parties. You could not trust the press, another traditional check against a self-aggrandizing elite. You could not trust the scientists; you could not trust the artists; you could not trust the professions. You could not trust the church or the Pope. Everyone had sold out.

But such troubling times raise up new leaders. We are seeing that now, and in sudden strength.

Johnny Depp deserves much credit. He is standing against a social consensus, which has already defeated him several times, that women are always right. He is exposing the reality of spousal abuse against men, and the bias of the legal system in favour of women. He is exposing the reality of narcissism, which is to say, human evil, which is generally these days denied. Everyone not deliberately turning their faces away is seeing now just what it looks like and how destructive it can be to anyone who comes in contact with the narcissist. Much good may come of this, for uncounted many sufferers and for justice in society as a whole.

Not to mince words, Amber Heard is purely, consciously evil. This is what evil looks like. Evil thrives so long as nobody calls it out. Depp is calling it out.

This cannot have been easy for Johnny Depp. He is emotionally battered and fragile. He deserves to be remembered and honoured for this, as for his acting talent. What he is doing is heroic.

And there are other heroes emerging. Elon Musk might be one, although his bona fides still remains to be demonstrated. He too has recently stood up against the elite mob, oxymoron as that is, and its vast network of intimidation.

Others acting bravely are Tulsi Gabbard, Joe Rogan, Jimmy Dore, the crew at Daily Wire. In Canada, Tamara Lich, Alexa Lavoie, Maxime Bernier. Ezra Levant, the man who stood up to and largely ended the “Hate Speech” star chambers. He is a second Joseph Howe. Brian Peckford seems to have risen to the challenge of the times.

A lot of statues have been torn down these days. Very well; let’s replace them with more modern heroes. It would be only too fitting to see a statue of Tamara Lich on Parliament Hill. Let’s rename Ryerson, with its tradition of journalism, Levant University. Let’s rename Dundas Peckford Street.

Maybe we should start a GiveSendGo account and a petition.

Friday, April 29, 2022

Why I'm Running in this Provincial Election for New Blue


In 1995, Mike Harris brought Ontario what he called a “Common Sense revolution.”

Things have gone in the wrong direction, since Mike Harris left. 

Today, what we need, it seems, is a sanity revolution.

It is a clown world. 

Today we are told men can become women, equality is discrimination, peaceful protests are illegal, and free speech is oppression.

Like many of you, I have not long thought of myself as a conservative. I believe in human equality and human rights. When did that become necessarily conservative? When did that become “far right”?

But everything has been pushed to the margin now except Marxism, critical theory, and postmodernism. 

Marxism is a crackpot theory disproven by about 1900. Yet we have four parties all agreeing on enforcing the teaching of critical theory in the schools—a Marxist dogma. How did this happen?

It has happened because a small group is controlling the discussion. A Family Compact, to use a term out of Ontario history. It is only too like the Family Compact against which we rose in the 1830s.

This is a small group of people who all go to the same cocktail parties. They control a larger group through hope of joining or fear of being excluded from this “in group.” It’s all a lot like high school. 

This larger group controls a yet larger group that fears losing their job, their family, their reputation, their livelihood. Yeah, it’s all a lot like high school. Except with lives and careers at stake.

They have learned to control the discussion through controlling the schools, the media, the professions, the nomination meetings and leadership contests, the established parties. They control the Overton window, the window of what can and cannot be said.

But here’s the good news. 

Improved communications technology threatens their power. We saw how the gatekeepers were bypassed in the Arab Spring. We saw how they were bypassed and blindsided by the Freedom convoy.

As a result, they are getting scared. I would say they are getting hysterical. They are overreaching, and demanding we endorse impossible things. The masks are coming off, the iron fist is coming down. 

All we need now is to get the word out, to speak the truth loud in the public square, and soon they will be gone.

That’s why I’m with New Blue.

The Ontario NDP Platform


My local NDP candidate in the upcoming provincial election sent me this flyer. 

A response to her promises.

Expanding OHIP to include mental health care.

Unfortunately, there is little or no scientific evidence that psychiatric/psychological approaches to mental health actually work. So this probably amounts to shoveling a large amount of taxpayer money to wealthy professionals, with no net benefit to the mentally ill. Who may be all the more neglected due to the illusion that “Something is being done.”

The best mental health care is religion, stable families, and voluntary associations. Unfortunately, political parties like the NDP tend to kick at such supports.

Invest in safe schools and affordable child care.

“Invest” is a weasel word invented by Bill Clinton. It means “spend.”

In the case of education, as with mental health, more money is not the solution. We spend more than Finland, and consistently get worse results on standardized tests. We spend more than we used to, but student results have been flatlining or declining. Most of the growth in educational spending has been on administrative positions, not education.

The solution is to introduce competition to promote better performance.

Affordable child care must not disadvantage those who choose to stay home to raise children; for we know this is the best option for the children. The state cannot do as good a job as the family—witness the residential schools. When we subsidize child care out of general revenues, we are acting against the children’s best interests.

Cashable child care vouchers might be the solution.

Fight the climate crisis with a bold and realistic plan to bring us to net-zero emissions.

The truth is that no provincial plan to fight climate change is realistic. Bringing Ontario to zero emissions would have no detectable effect on climate change. The problem is global. Most emissions come from countries like China, India, and Russia. 

Tougher environmental regulations and carbon taxes will only push manufacturing to these countries, crippling our economy and worsening the problem.

The way out of the climate crisis is improved technology. The pro9vincial government might to its small part with research grants, but these too easily turn into welfare for corporate cronies. Perhaps instead, a prize for significant research results.

Better long term and home care.

This is an empty promise. After the deaths in nursing homes during COVID, everyone demands this. So the only basis on which to vote NDP rather than PC or Liberal is if they seem to have a better plan. And they are not saying what it is.

Here’s a proposal: mandated 24-hour webcams, so that families could monitor the care their relatives are receiving.

Make housing more affordable

Another pie in the sky promise. Everyone recognizes the problem, but what is their plan to fix it?

The main problem is that overregulation means developers cannot offer what the market wants and can afford. Most of this regulation is at the municipal level—but the municipalities are the creatures of the provinces. Thoughtful deregulation is the efficient fix, and costs nothing—indeed, reduces government costs. I suspect the NDP would want to add more regulations, making the problem worse.

Homeowners may worry that deregulation would reduce the value of their homes. But this is short-sighted. Opening up properties for the highest and best use should, instead, on balance increase the resale value of their real estate.

False Charges


A list of charges against the Ottawa freedom convoy already proven to be false. I think there are more to come:

the charge that the protest was |"illegal," to begin with.

the claim that Randy Hillier assaulted a police officer, I think is false.

the claim that the protest was in any sense a blockade is false.

the claim that the truckers wanted to overthrow the government by violent means is false.

the claim that the truckers were flying Nazi or Confederate flags is false.

the claim that the truckers as a movement were racistt, homophobic, or misogynist is false, and demonstrably false.

the claim that the truckers derfaced the Terry Fox statue is false

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Francis's Holy Week Procession


For perhaps too long, I tried to defend Pope Francis’s papacy. This Holy Week, he has shown himself to be morally depraved.

The procession featured, at one of the stations, a Ukrainian and a Russian woman carrying a candle together, and Francis then intoned the sentiment, “adversaries to shake hands so they can taste mutual forgiveness, to disarm the hand raised by a brother against a brother, so that concord can spring from where there is now hate."

The problem is that, in the current war in Ukraine, Russia is unambiguously the aggressor, Ukraine the victim, and Russia has not ceased their attack. Indeed, they are about to launch an offensive. Calling for reconciliation now is denying there is anything wrong with Russia’s action; the blame is on the Ukrainians, at least equally, for not accepting it and laying down their arms. It is like demanding a rape victim smile and embrace her assailant in the middle of a rape.

The worst of Francis’s crime is the attempt to assert that this position is virtuous, indeed, more virtuous than the Ukrainians are in their suffering. This is the sin of hypocrisy. This is not just making no distinction between right and wrong, but demanding that wrong be seen as right, for the sake of one’s own ego. This is the unforgivable sin, the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. 

Sadly, Francis is worse than just a heretic.

Amber See, Amber Do


Many are noticing that Amber Heard keeps mimicking Johnny Depp’s clothing choices in their current defamation trial. And many are wondering why. Is she playing some kind of mind game?

No; why would Depp care?

We owe a debt to Depp for bringing this to trial. He has exposed the fact that women abuse men. Our system is grotesquely biased against men, to the extent that it is actually a commonly held opinion that men are always abusers, and women always victims. An opinion that enables abuse. This public trial, along with recent and increasing revelations about Jada ad Will Smith, may help redress that balance.

Amber’s clothing choices are not hard to decipher if you know much about narcissists. 

Depositions show that she used to commonly criticize Depp for lacking style.

If her own actions in mimicking him do not disprove this, any objective observer should see the absurdity of the charge. Nobody has more sartorial style than Depp. 

Narcissists are motivated by envy. They must be the centre of everything; so nobody is allowed to be better than them at anything. Therefore they will criticize their victim for whatever in the latter is most admirable; they will want to deny it.

At the same time, they will mimic it, in hopes of appropriating thunder; of making themselves the centre of attention instead. People were looking at Depp; she wanted them to look at her.

Narcissists are not complicated. They are childishly simple in their thinking. A good rule is that whatever they say will be the opposite of the truth.

There is a special place in hell for those who, in the face of the evidence, still insist that, if Depp was not the abuser, at least it was a mutually abusive relationship. After all, Depp drank and took drugs. He opened and shut cabinet doors loudly in her presence. He tried to cut himself. He even wrote to a friend that he wanted to drown Amber, set her on fire, and have sex with the corpse.

None of that is abusive. It simply shows the depth of his pain; which he needed to vent or escape without harming her or anyone else. Anyone who does not see this, is a narcissist themselves. For they are apparently incapable of seeing another as human.

Will Smith’s slap at the Oscars is similar, although less admirable. Unable to defend against his narcissistic wife, in a fit of terror and confusion, he misdirected at what seemed a more acceptable target. If he could keep Jada in good humour, she might not lash out at him. In effect, he was taking it out on himself, attempting career suicide.

In the wider society, men are committing suicide in large numbers, and dying of drug overdoses. 

It is time to end the persecution.

Friday, April 22, 2022

The Real Reason Russia Cannot Take Ukraine?


The lesson we might take from the current war in Ukraine is not that the Russian military is suprisingly incompetent, or the Ukrainians suprisingly competent, but that current technology favours the defense. This happens from time to time. The English longbow gave the defense the advantage over cavalry in the Hundred Years War. The machine gun gave the defense the advantage in the First World War, until overcome by the tank.

Currently, it seems that small, smart missiles and drones, some shoulder-carried, can take out more expensive tanks, ships, and planes. And even a relatively low-tech economy like Turkey can turn out effective drones.

Bad news for America projecting power. Good news for Taiwan should China want to invade.

The Moral Imperative


Edvard Munch, Melancholy

Seiko, a 45-year-old man living with depression and chronic anxiety, insists his parent are stupid, not evil. And how can it be their fault if they are evil?

Od’s response:

You puzzle over how you could blame your parents for being stupid. “I doubt if stupid people can make themselves less stupid.”

Those raised in a dysfunctional family will go to almost any lengths not to blame their parents. Accepting that your parents are at fault is the essence of the cure.

It is possible for people to be deliberately stupid, and many people choose to be stupid.

Here’s how.

Have you ever watched a movie? You know that what you saw was not really happening. It was just light playing on a screen. Even the story was all made up. You even knew that nothing bad would happen to the hero, because most movies have a happy ending. Yet you got engrossed in the story and kept watching, forgetting where you were and your real life, for an hour or two. You imagined it was all really happening.

This is what narcissists do all the time. They decide what they want to be true, and then simply choose to believe it. They live in a movie they are writing, directing, and starring in.

It follows that a commitment to truth no matter where it leads is the antidote to being raised by narcissists. It is necessary to break through a series of delusions and denials with which you have been raised. Especially about your parents.

So narcissists are not born stupid. They usually choose to be stupid, to turn away from truth, in early adolescence.

Seiko thinks the modern world and all its technology is too complicated for him. He yearns to live in the jungle, or like Canada’s First Nations.


I understand your concern, but I don’t think you have the real problem pinpointed. It is not with technology, but with society. Our society has its values wrong; most people are to some degree delusional, in denial. Your instincts are right to want to get away from it.

This is also a projection of the fact that the society in which you grew up, your family, had its values wrong. You need to get away from all society to think things through, and you know this by instinct. You need, not nature, but solitude.

The antidote to being raised with false values is a commitment to true values—to the good--wherever it leads.

I think it is unwise to jump quickly into some new “community,” even if one is available. You are vulnerable to being exploited by some new dysfunctional community or individual narcissist who spins you a comfortable new delusion. Without a grounding in reality, you are unable to detect this. This is how cults develop. You need first to establish a solid sense of what is true and false, right and wrong.

In the old Christian monasteries, when you joined, you were required to observe a period of enforced isolation and silence.

Cults do the opposite: they never want you to be alone. They fear independent thought.

Edvard Munch, Anxiety

Seiko persists in denying the existence of God, and, like all atheists, inconsistently also blaming him for all evil. 


There is no need here to discuss the existence of God. I think this has become a distraction. What is important is to accept the existence of right and wrong. Whether or not God exists, surely you agree that it would be wrong to rape the next woman you meet? That it would be wrong to kill the next person who annoys you?


Then would it be wrong for the next person you meet to kill you? Or to rape you? Perhaps if he is homosexual?

No objections?

Can you agree that the world should be better than it is?

Immediately, then, you are accepting the reality of right and wrong. That is all that matters: right is right and wrong is wrong, and people are capable of doing either.

I think you want to introduce God as a scapegoat. Then perhaps you can blame him, and avoid blaming your parents.

Forget God, then: your parents are fully responsible for their own actions.

But supposing, on the other hand, that God does exist. It does not follow that he is responsible for the actions of your parents, any more than a parent is responsible if he lets his son drive the car, and the son gets into an accident. Nor is the car manufacturer responsible. Humans have moral agency. We know this, because we know we do. We know we make conscious choices. Why that is so is irrelevant. We cannot blame God for our own choices; or those of our parents.

Why did God allow us to make choices? Because he does not see us as objects, mere toys to play with. Martin Buber speaks of an “I-thou” relationship, far more meaningful than an “I-it” relationship. No doubt you can understand that I love my wife in a different and more important sense than I might love a good meal, or a soft couch, or a gadget.

To suppose your parents themselves had no choice in how they raised you, that it was all God’s fault, or the fault of some genetic flaw they were born with, or the fault of their own upbringing, is to reduce them to robots, without moral agency. Is that respectful?

You ask, what purpose does hell serve? The answer is one word: justice.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Let's Put All Those Evil Guns in Jail


Liberal Party leader Steven Del Duca has announced a plan to ban handguns if his party takes power, to “protect the people of this province against gun violence.”

Would a handgun ban have any such effect? Most mass shootings happen in gun-free zones. Switzerland and Israel require all able-bodied men to own guns; their rate of gun violence is lower than Canada’s.

Arguably, if there were fewer guns, there would be fewer guns in the hands of criminals. Equally arguably, if there were fewer guns, the criminals would still have them, and nobody else would.

There are other reasons why a gun ban is a bad idea. 

Both the American Bill of Rights, and the English Bill of Rights, include the right to bear arms. Both say this is a basic human right. Why?

It follows from the right to self-defense. Not just against predatory wild animals, or predatory criminals, but against predatory government. The development of democracy in Britain has a lot to do with the fact that the English longbow could penetrate a suit of armour—a man’s home became his castle, because he could defend it against the nobility. Swiss democracy emerged because Swiss pikemen could do the same—hold off their armoured overlords. The continuing right to bear arms ensured and ensures this.

This being so, any attempt by any government to limit arms should be looked at with suspicion. Especially so soon after a peaceful protest was illegally suppressed in Ottawa.

There is yet another reason why gun control is a bad idea. Consider the current case of Ukraine. The government has passed out arms to every male citizen, and called on them to fight.

Consider the military advantage any country has in such a situation if its citizens generally know how to use a gun, and may have one in their basement. 

It has been said that the many guns in private hands make the USA unconquerable. It has kept Switzerland out of two world wars. Canada’s relative familiarity with rifles made Canadians the shock troops and flying aces of the Allied forces in two world wars. 

The cheapest and best way Canada could improve its own defense  would actually be to give or even require firearms training for all adult citizens, and hand out free guns.

I wager violent crime would go down too.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Deja Vu All Over Again


One of the biggest lies in world literature is Tolstoy’s opening line for Anna Karenina, “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." 

This is the opposite of the truth. Dysfunctional families all follow roughly the same template. 

You can also predict with great reliability that any truly outstanding artist, in whichever art, comes from one.

Johnny Depp rings the changes for us. Some of us will find much of what he says familiar.

It also explains his troubles with Amber Heard. Once you have been victimized by a narcissistic parent, you are primed perfectly to be victimized by a narcissistic lover.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

The End of Canadian Press Freedom


Telling It Like It Is




Advice for Seiko


 As introduced previously, correspondent Seiko is a forty-five-year-old man who has suffered lifelong  anxiety and depression.

You describe your parents as impulsive and not thinking of the consequences of their actions. This fits with the diagnosis of narcissism. Narcissists tend to act on their immediate desires, because nothing else is so important to them, and because they believe themselves of ultimate importance, they can often expect the universe itself to conform to their desires. They are often surprised and angry when it does not. To an extent, they are delusional. 

My father inherited the family company when my grandfather died. He promptly bought a mansion in the most expensive part of Montreal, and joined an exclusive golf club. None of these were luxuries my grandfather, when he built and ran the company, would have treated himself to. He lived in a modest home on the edge of a small town.

Within six years, the company was bankrupt. My father treated it like a toy to satisfy his immediate desires. 

I once bought a model helicopter for my wife’s little brothers and nephews, on a visit to her home. Her father grabbed and ran around with it until he had broken it. The kids never had a chance to play with it.

You say that your parents seem stupid, childish, not evil. 

This is what evil looks like. 

Being evil means thinking only or at least primarily of yourself and your desires. Small children are like this, because they have not yet figured out there are other consciousnesses in the world, like them. We find it cute in a small child, because they do not know any better. Narcissists do. Narcissists act the same way, because they still reject the existence of any other consciousnesses in the universe. It is no longer cute or innocent, but it may look cute to us because it looks childlike.

Being good means seeing others as moral equals.

But surely, you will say, your parents are not as evil as, say, Hitler, or Charles Manson. After all, they haven’t murdered anybody.

In reality, they are more purely evil than Hitler. Hitler was capable of denying himself his immediate desires. This is how he was able to rise to a position in which he could kill so many people. He was brave—bravery is a form of self-denial. A more fully evil person is not capable of bravery. This is likely the only reason they are not, themselves, murderers. The evil is in the intent, not the act.

Hannah Arendt coined the phrase “the banality of evil.” There is an older saying, “the devil is a gentleman.” The most evil people will not stand out publicly as evil. Standing out as evil would require both courage and honesty; the very worst people will lack both, and will act timidly in the comfort of their own home.

But what could be more evil than tormenting a small child? A child you brought into existence?

You complain that your parents favour your younger brother. This also fits the diagnosis of narcissism. Narcissists always favour one child over another. This gives them power and makes them the centre of attention. 

They will always favour the child who is least impressive, the runt of the litter, and will reject or oppress the more impressive siblings. The more impressive child looks to them like a rival, while they can conceivably claim all credit for anything the weaker child accomplishes—supposedly entirely through their help.

If your parents consistently favour your younger brother, you can take this as confirmation that they are more impressed by you.

Have you ever read the story of Snow White, or Cinderella?



Easter Sunday reminds us that the darkest hour is often just before the dawn. 

We are in a dark time, but there are recent signs of hope.

Pierre Poilievre is drawing Trump-like crowds. 

In order to overtake Poilievre’s support with the base, Jean Charest and Patrick Brown would have to sign up a large number of new members. Brown had done this with success in the past. But it looks as though this is not going to happen. It is Poilievre who seems to be drawing people into the party. 

Why would there be great enthusiasm to support a candidate who represented positions similar to the Liberals? Why not just support the Liberals?

Poilievre’s crowds also confirm my sense that next election will be a change election. People are angry and want to throw the rascals out. Poilievre is an ideal candidate for that mood.

The Freedom Convoy woke a lot of people up. A lot of people found one another, and discovered many others were thinking as they do. Now Poilievre may be able to channel that into political change.

In the US, there is Elon Musk’s attempt at a hostile takeover of Twitter. Win or lose, at least it shows there is someone with power who wants to defend free speech. The cathedral is not monolithic.  It also exposes the power elite—they are apparently prepared to sacrifice the interests of their shareholders and the company to preserve their political power. Perhaps people will start to notice.

As the left has been demanding more radical positions, and deliberately throwing people off their bandwagon—Tulsi Gabbard, Jimmy Dore, Tim Poole, Joe Rogan, Russell Brand, Bill Maher, and on and on—they have inevitably been reducing themselves to a smaller voice among commentators. It has become safer and easier for their opponents to speak up. There has to be a tipping point, and we may be there.

Past duplicity is getting exposed: the Hunter Biden laptop, the Steele dossier and the Russian collusion deception. The supposed Whitmer kidnapping plot; January 6 suspects are getting acquitted; the false accusations against Rittenhouse; the high-profile fakery of Jussie Smollett. Sooner or later, the judgement of The Boy Who Cried Wolf must be tripped.

Current polls suggest a Republican landslide in the midterms.

We also cannot ignore the miracle in the Ukraine. We thought Russia to be vastly more powerful. One of our gravest fears is beginning to look like smoke and mirrors.

Perhaps China as well? In Shanghai, the situation looks hellish; but this may also be the spark to set off a general revolt and end the CCP’s dominance there.

COVID restrictions are coming down. The usual suspects had been telling us that, with Omicron, things were getting worse. Instead, with natural immunity growing more quickly now, we may be seeing the end of COVID as a pressing concern. The virus may now be the best vaccine.

After two or three terrible years, next year may look better.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Justifying God's Ways to Seiko



A letter to Seiko, who, at 45, has lived his entire life with anxiety and depression, and who does not believe in God:

You may not be good at evaluating your own parents’ character. There is an English saying, “It’s a wise child who knows his own father.” It is extremely difficult to be objective about your parents. It takes a lot of quiet meditation over your childhood memories, ideally without having to deal with your parents regularly at the same time.

Although I identified my father as profoundly selfish at a fairly early age, I did not realize my mother was as well until after her death. There is usually a dominant and a submissive narcissist. The submissive narcissist is likely to present themselves as a victim.

You ask if I have ever confronted my parents. Never really my mother, since I did not recognize her narcissism until after her death. My father, yes. 

It is usually advised that you do not confront the narcissist. They will not change―all you can do is get away. I do not agree. I have heard, at least, of narcissists reforming once confronted. 

The problem, I think, is that it does not work to confront them with being a narcissist. The psychological approach is designed to allow them to deny responsibility. It is most likely to roll off them like water off a duck’s anterior. They may even happily accept the label. After all, it makes them special, and then if you criticize them for anything, you are being cruel to the disabled. They can play the victim.

I gather you have confronted your parents with something, and they have apologized and even offered compensation. This is surprising. This does not sound like narcissists. Narcissists cannot admit moral fault. But here’s what might be happening. By declaring yourself mentally ill, you usefully discredit your testimony as a witness. I suspect this is why the concept of “mental illness” exists. It allows the victim to relatively freely express himself, and the parents and society to freely ignore them. Yes, they might seem to accept your criticism, but in their own minds they they are just humouring poor crazy Seiko.

It is a survival mechanism. But it traps you.

I believe the trick to genuinely calling out the narcissist is, first, to clearly establish the moral high ground. You must confront your conscience and have no doubts that you are in the right. Then you must call them out in expressly moral terms. Do not talk psychology, but about right and wrong.

What happens then? I have testimony that some narcissists will reform. But more likely, they will die. The problem is that they have made their self the centre of their universe. Admitting their self has been wrong feels like death to them, death of the entire universe.

For both you and the narcissist, this is a matter of life and death. I am not speaking metaphorically.

As for escaping your parents financially, I know very well how hard this is, with them probably in hot pursuit, and all while suffering from extreme depression and anxiety.

In earlier days, it was easier—when monasteries were a live option. Perhaps Buddhist monasteries still are, in Japan, but Christian monasteries now expressly refuse refuge to anyone suffering from mental illness. 

And then they wonder why nobody becomes a monk or nun anymore.

As to the moral universe, you write, “when we observe the world as is, then one must admit that one can't observe justice or fairness or anything that kind of stuff.”

This is not really the issue. Whether the universe, or the people around us, are moral, has no bearing on whether we have a duty to be moral. This is the “is-ought” fallacy.

But I would also argue that the universe as a whole is moral.

Imagine you are God, and you design the universe so that only good and pleasant things ever happen. Nobody is ever tempted to do anything wrong; or those who do wrong are quickly and obviously punished, and those who do right are quickly and obviously rewarded.

This would actually be a world in which no good could exist. 

For anyone doing “right” would simply be acting out of self-interest. No morality is involved.

The world in which good is maximized is one in which good and evil are not obviously rewarded, but eventually are—behind a veil, where we cannot witness it. For example, in an afterlife.

Still, God would probably want to make sure that “the arc of the moral universe is long,” as Martin Luther King put it, “but bends toward justice.” I think this is so, shown both by logic and the evidence of history. For example, lying is effective for evil people only because and so long as enough people tell the truth that we tend to take everyone’s claims at face value. If a majority of people start lying, lying no longer becomes possible or useful. Similarly, if a majority of people start stealing, stealing things is no longer meaningful, since the thief himself would never have secure possession. And so on, for every sin. The universe seems to be structured so that good, in the end, must dominate and must win.

Why couldn’t God have just made us all passive animals, with full bellies and without tough moral choices?

Think about it. Aside from the moral good being of self-evident value, would you really want that life? For a simple comparison, what fun is it to play a game or sport, if it is always predetermined that you win and get a prize. And, if you play a sport, or a game, isn’t the enjoyment in large part because of the effort expended, and the difficulties met and overcome?

The good will win out in the end.

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life


Monday, April 11, 2022

Another Statue Down in Toronto


File this one under "no good deed goes unpunished." It further demonstrates that the true impetus behind all the recent statue toppling is simply the sin of envy. There is a sort of person who hates anyone better than themselves.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Chloe Cooley and the Long Years of Canadian Slavery


This new Heritage Minute, although it does not quite lie, gives a distorted view of Canadian history.

It begins with Chloe Cooley saying, “I don’t care what the law is. I’ll never be a slave.” This obscures the fact that slavery was not legal in Upper Canada. The issue had arisen only recently, with UE Loyalists arriving from slave-holding states. Cooley was kidnapped and rowed across into the United States because the government was about to declare slavery illegal. Her owner feared losing his investment. He had "owned" her for only a few months.

The government then brought charges against Vrooman, the “owner.” The kidnapping was a public scandal.

Slavery was prohibited in Upper Canada not in 1834, as the Heritage Minute concludes, but in 1793, the same year Cooley was kidnapped. Technically, the practice lingered here and there until 1834, but only so long as the matter never came to trial. Courts would reliably declare slavery illegal.

Charest Lights Himself on Fire, Hoping to Bring Down the Conservative Party with Him?


After this interview, it is clear that if Jean Charest wins the Tory leadership, the party will split. He is actually falsely accusing Pierre Poilievre, Candice Bergan, and Andrew Scheer of breaking the law. They and their supporters could hardly stay in the same party with him.

What is he thinking? Is he only in the race as an agent provocateur or Fifth Column?

Wednesday, April 06, 2022

The Vance Affair



It seems to me there is something wrong with how we are looking at the General Vance affair. It takes two to have sex. This was a longstanding consensual relationship. Why is it all his fault, and the other party, Major Brennan, a victim? There is an obvious injustice here.

The argument, no doubt, is that there was an imbalance in power. He was illegitimately trading power for sex. But why is this wrong, yet it is okay to trade sex for power, as the woman was doing? Why is one immoral, and the other admirable?

Since sex is rather easy to obtain in our present society, I doubt Vance was even doing that. More likely trading power for intimacy, for an emotional bond, for the illusion of being loved. And how much power did he actually have over his “victim” in the relationship? Given that society at present always blames the man, the woman has absolute control: if she did not get what she wanted out of the relationship, she could blackmail him at any time. As, it seems, she ultimately did. Apparently, she was recording his phone calls.

While paternity tests show that one of Brennan’s two children is Vance’s, these same tests show that a second, that she claimed was his, was not. In other words, we also discover she was not being faithful to the relationship, and was trying to get him to pay support for a child who was not his.

Apart from who is to blame, or more to blame, in this case, this is all an illustration of why it is best to avoid sex in the workplace. Traditionally, we did this by segregating the sexes. Now by integrating the sexes we have opened a hogshead of worms. Given human nature, there is now no way to avoid these exploitative relationships and special dealings. The problems of influence peddling, sex peddling, and blackmail are probably also reasons why homosexual sex was traditionally frowned on: it introduces the same problems.


Great Indian Explorers


The text from which I am currently teaching has a short model passage on tr he topic of “great explorers on land, in space, and under the sea.” Neil Armstrong for space, Jacques Cousteau for sea, and, for the land—Sacajawea.

So far as we know, Sacajawea was not an explorer. She accompanied Lewis and Clark on their expedition, and sometimes acted as an interpreter. Her main value was as an indication that they were not a war party.

An ugly example of affirmative action history.