Playing the Indian Card

Monday, March 07, 2022

Why I Was Silent Yesterday


Speaking frankly, I’ve been depressed. I did not immediately know why, and had to meditate on this. 

A useful practice, by the way. Whenever you feel down or experience floating anxiety, you need to meditate on exactly why. Until you do, you cannot deal with it. Until you do, it will victimize you.

I ultimately realized it was because evil seemed to be triumphant everywhere. Most especially in the suppression of the Canadian truckers, as clear an example as I can imagine of a group of good people. This revealed that the Canadian government, the Canadian media, the Canadian police, the Canadian banks, were all in the command of resolutely evil men.

And now Ukraine. While the Ukrainians have done a magnificent job so far of defending their country, underlining their own goodness, here too evil plainly has the upper hand. What outcome now does not mean terrible suffering for the good?

Almost at the same moment, we are learning that dangerous side effects of the Pfizer vaccine have been deliberately suppressed, that the Covid virus was almost certainly manufactured in a lab using patented gene sequences, and that Ivermectin is an effective treatment, and this fact has been suppressed. We had already been more or less aware that there was no real scientific justification for lockdowns, or wearing masks. Government and the drug companies seem to have been ready to murder large numbers of people so long as this w3as to their advantage.

Now look at the hopelessly venal and incompetent administrations in Washington, Ottawa, and London, at a moment when we need someone to rally behind against a dire foreign threat. I at least half suspect that Biden and Trudeau are personally in the pay of foreign powers. Look at a pope many faithful Catholic commentators are now openly suggesting is a heretic. At best, he has been supporting rather than rooting out venality in the church.

Look at how the tech oligarchs have shown themselves to be out for power, and are trying to silence dissent. So much for business as a check on government.

I hope this is all overreach. Overreach is why the darkest hour is often just before the dawn. The devil may be showing all his cards. And this may be a sign of desperation.

The truckers suggested that there is a vast well of good and decent people still. The Ukrainians are showing the same.

I look forward to, someday, a statue of Tamara Lich on Wellington Street, perhaps at about the spot she was arrested. We could probably privately fund it today, if we could prevent the government or the banks from seizing the money.

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