Saturday, February 12, 2022

The Winds Shift Again


Almost everything in this piece from the legacy media is a lie.

If it is insurrectionist to deputize some members of the convoy as “peace officers.” so is setting up a neighbourhood watch program. Canada is full of such revolutionaries, it seems. Obviously, the truckers want to maintain order; if there is any criminal activity, they are liable to be the victims, and there are children among them. And then the government and the media will blame them for it. The Ottawa police themselves keep complaining they are understaffed and cannot maintain order. 

The voiceover then claims that Candace Bergen and the Conservatives have changed their tune, from encouraging the convoy to telling them to go home. Whether you agree with her or not, Bergen has been telling the convoy to go home from the beginning.

The disturbing thing is that CTV now believes it is safe to go back to spouting the government line. A few days ago, it looked as though they were trying to pivot. 

My local MP, too, has turned tail and withdrawn his partial support for MP Joel Lightbound. He now actually has the cheek to blame the Conservatives for any inflammatory rhetoric. 

The worry is why they all suddenly feel renewed confidence. The obvious change is that the US government has spoken, prompted by the closing of the Ambassador Bridge. It is now as though they feel assured that, if worst comes to worst, the Yanks will come in to restore order, just like those tanks on the streets of Budapest in 1956, or of Prague in 1968.

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