Playing the Indian Card

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Write Your Senator


Passing on a suggestion by Maxime Bernier that Canadians write a senator urging they oppose the invocation of the Emergency Act. 

Find a senator from your province here:

I think there is a real chance this will work.

I believe MPs and Senators take letters from constituents seriously. It is their window on public sentiment, and they generally believe they are there to represent their constituents.

In the Commons, Trudeau was able to declare the vote a matter of confidence, and force members of the NDP and Liberal parties to vote the party line or face a quick election in which they would not be allowed to run--in other words, lose their jobs and income.

This does not apply to the Senate. They are appointed, and cannot be threatened in this way. Officially, there is not even a Liberal caucus; they are supposed to be independent. They should be able to vote their conscience, their constituents, and their best judgement.

I suspect there is also an incentive for them to vote the measure down. The Senate's relevance is often questioned. This would help allay those doubts.

So if you are Canadian, gentle reader, by all means give it a go.

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