Playing the Indian Card

Friday, February 25, 2022

The War in the Desert Here


To my eyes, the conflict between the Freedom Convoy and the Canadian government is as clear an example as possible, in this fallen world, of a fight of good against evil.

And the way it has apparently ended is a moral lesson: in the short term, evil always wins.

This is because, unlike good, evil will pursue self-interest without restraints. In particular, the greatest power of evil is the lie. 

The lie can trick a large number of good people to support evil, because it is difficult for good people to believe others are lying. You can always cheat an honest man. These are the gullible good.

Others, many others, go along because it is easier to keep your head down—and the evil are invariably in power. “I’m all right, Jack!” These are the weak evil.

Because of this overall dynamic, the powers and principalities of this world are generally going to be evil. Any student of history must see this to be true. Except in exceptional times, the wicked rise to the top. The Bible, clearly enough, tells us so. The good are the salt under their feet.

On the other hand, the powers of this world suffer from the limits of the lie. This is why the arc of history indeed bends toward justice. Caught in a lie, like the Boy Who Cried Wolf, it all comes down about their ears. The previously deluded good people wake up, and with the heroic good, they form a majority. Once they are aroused and look unstoppable, the cowardly bad will swing behind them, and the house of cards comes down.

That, I suspect, is what the Freedom Convoy will have accomplished in the longer term. It was not strong enough yet. But by remaining resolutely peaceful, they have seized the moral high ground, and good people are going to wake up to who has been lying.

This is the strategy of Martin Luther King, of Gandhi, of Daniel O’Connell. Or of the early Christians.

The dawn is near.

Sadly, however, we are still in this fallen world. Trudeau may go soon, the Liberal Party may fall, and the heritage media may fade away. But soon enough, a new gang of bad people, piggybacking on the prestige hard-earned by the heroic truckers, will muscle to the front.

I think Pat King is already an example.

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