Playing the Indian Card

Saturday, May 11, 2024

What I Learned at School Today


No doubt all of this video is worth watching. But I post it in particular for what Matt Walsh says at the beginning about sexual abuse in the public schools. I've been saying this for years: any problem with sex abuse by either Catholic priests or by teachers in the old Indian Residential School System, real as it was, is a hiccup compared to what has been going on in the public schools. With no outrage apparent.

After all, if you are a sexual predator, it is just easier to get what you want, into a position where you are in charge of young people and able to make them do your will by becoming a public school teacher than by joining a religious order or becoming a priest. Most priests or nuns get little contact with children. If a monk or nun is assigned to teach, it is not their choice; it is decided by a superior. The strategic placement for predation is guaranteed to a teacher. 

And there are moral tests in place to keep sexual predators out of holy orders. They must, after all, take a vow of celibacy, which they must visibly honour, more or less guaranteeing they lack a strong inclination towards and interest in sex. They must also often take a vow of poverty, another test of their sincerity. And they are vetted as much as is humanly possible by their superiors and their organization for good moral character. Under twenty-four hour observation. 

Which is exactly why, traditionally, the job of teaching was assigned in any Catholic school to monks and nuns. 

None of these safeguards are applied to public school teachers. It is as if we want predation. Which seems increasingly obvious in these days of SOGI: "Sexual orientation gender ideology." 

We don't care about children. We hate them/.

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