Playing the Indian Card

Friday, May 31, 2024

The Trump Verdict and the Next Election


The prisoner in the dock

Someone must have been telling lies about Josef K., he knew he had done nothing wrong but, one morning, he was arrested. 

The conviction of Trump in the recent New York felony trial makes it a patriotic duty for all Americans to vote for Trump next November. It does not matter if you don’t like Trump. I myself was inclined to Ron DeSantis at the start of this cycle. Trump is always chaotic, and that was not attractive to me. But once they started persecuting him, it became necessary to move to Trump.

The problem is, if the Democrats get away with this, they will do it again. America will never have another honest election. Even if Trump wins, but only narrowly—the Republicans will be tempted to do it, as payback, and the practice of lawfare to fix elections becomes established. Trumps needs to win resoundingly, so that both parties get the message that this tactic will not work, but will blow up in their face.

Since February 2021, it has been a patriotic duty for all Canadians to vote for the Conservative Party and Pierre Poilievre. The message must be clear to both parties—to all three parties—that declaring the Emergencies Act to suppress dissent will not work. Otherwise Canadian democracy is finished too.

Poilievre is not perfect; you might not like aspects of the Tory platform. But the vote must coalesce around one candidate for the Liberal defeat to be decisive. Poilievre is the only available vehicle. Not Singh, who has allied with Trudeau; not Bernier, who has no realistic chance of power. It must be Poilievre.

Vote for your children, and your children’s children. The alternative is too horrible to contemplate.

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