Playing the Indian Card

Thursday, May 09, 2024

A Theory for Why the World Seems Mad Right Now


Here’s a unified theory of why governments around the world seem in the last few years to have gone mad and turned on their own citizens. Despite the obvious electoral risks of doing so.

It all seemed to start visibly going off the rails in about the Fall of 2021. It was well understood by then that the Covid vaccines did not halt the spread of the virus; and that we could never achieve herd immunity through vaccinations. Yet it was at that point that governments began to demand that everyone must get vaccinated. 

Unless I have missed something, this was the first obviously illogical and malicious move by governments. 

Others followed: 

Cracking down on long-distance truck drivers, demanding they in particular must be vaccinated, or lose their livelihood. Why? They rarely came in contact with anyone, alone in their trucks. And at the very time that we were facing a supply chain crisis due to the Covid lockdowns.

Cracking down on medical personnel, insisting they must get vaccinated or lose their livelihood. Granted, they came into close contact with the unwell; but we already knew the vaccines did not prevent the spread, and they were uniquely qualified to make their own decisions on their personal health. This at the very time when emergency rooms were supposed to be facing a crisis of overcrowding with Covid cases.

Insisting that children all be vaccinated. Even though herd immunity was not possible, and they faced no real risk themselves from the virus—and obviously some risk from the vaccine.

Insisting everyone stay indoors long after it was established that the virus spread better indoors than outdoors.

Suppressing any talk of cures or treatments other than the vaccine; even though some cheap and widely available drugs showed much promise.

Suppressing any warnings about dangers associated with the vaccines.

Then the weird overreaction to a peaceful demonstration by truckers in Ottawa.

Then they went after farmers, and the use of fertilizers—just as food prices were spiraling upwards due to inflation and interrupted supply chains.

In Canada, they then started raising exponentially their “carbon tax.” Effectively a tax on everything, just as inflation was going out of control.

Then they kicked the immigration doors wider open, a lot wider open, in the middle of an unprecedented housing crisis; and a crisis over health care availability. And just as studies were showing that mass immigration harms rather than helps the economies of receiving nations.

Then, in Canada, draconian measures to silence and punish dissent, and withdraw basic civil rights to do so. Similar initiatives seem to have arisen at the same time in England, Scotland, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, former bastions of the free speech tradition, and just about across the developed world. In the US, unprecedented and open attempts to rig the next election and suppress the political opposition.

I have probably missed a lot.

Occam’s razor suggests this explanation: the governments panicked over Covid, and grossly overreacted. The lockdowns killed more people than the virus would have, on top of the economic devastation and personal loss. The virus itself was engineered, and recklessly, and several goverments were responsible, not just China. They saw that this was going to come out, it was a huge scandal, and they anticipated that their publics would turn on them. 

They knew too by September that the vaccines they had hastily approved and encouraged everyone to get had dangerous side effects, worse than Covid itself, and also were not effective.

The truth must be worse than we yet know: so bad that they not only fear losing power. That is routine for democratic governments. The truth must be so terrible, they fear worse than this: revolution, serious criminal charges once they leave office, perhaps the guillotine.

Mudh of this, I suspect, is instinctive rather than planned. But if true, it seems to explain everything. 

Once they knew the vaccines were harmful, it might well have seemed in their interest to have everyone vaccinated. This might mask the issue: there would be no control group. Truckers and farmers had to be targeted, because they were least likely to see the need for the vaccine, and most able to avoid the government’s demands. Farmers can be self-sufficient more or less off the grid; truckers can flee the jurisdiction. Health professionals need to be bullied into it, because they can raise the alarm.

Other measures, like the rising carbon tax and the mass immigration, look like pre-emptive strikes against their expected future enemies, the public. Good idea to import a large body of new people who will not blame them for the vaccinations, not having been here at the time, and have reason for gratitude to the government for being let it, and given hotel rooms, social assistance and the like. Who else might stand up for them when the flag drops?

Seatbelts, everyone.

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