Playing the Indian Card

Tuesday, May 09, 2023

The Trudeau Crown


The Trudeau government plans to exploit the occasion of King Charles’s coronation to create a new “Canadian” crown for the Canadian coat of arms. Anything that hints at religion—crosses, fleurs de lys—is stripped out. The cross on top is replaced by a snowflake.

This leaves Canada open to derision.

The crown is supposed to represent solidity and continuity; foundation. That is why crowns are, when possible, made of incorruptible gold. That is why they are encrusted with jewels, the hardest of substances. Crowning the crown itself with a snowflake looks like a parody: the most ephemeral and weakest thing in nature. It mocks Canada as of no consequence.

The removal of religious symbolism is more sinister. This is appalling at a time when the rates of suicide, mental illness, and drug use are skyrocketing. The need for meaning and direction among Canadians could not be more urgent. That is what religion is for. That is being withdrawn when most needed.

No doubt the Trudeauites argue that symbolism like the cross or fleur de lys, being Christian is improper in a multicultural Canada, which includes people of many faiths.

This is disingenuous. Does anyone really think that a devout Muslim or Jew feels more at home among atheists or secularists than among Christians? That they are happier with no God than with the Christian conception of Him? No; the new design discriminates in favour of atheism.

And the real reason is that monotheistic religion implies morality. The immoral will always hate it, as Hitler did; as did those who crucified Christ. 

Such are those who currently rule us. And they mean to use their power.

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