Playing the Indian Card

Saturday, May 06, 2023

Asymmetrical Warfare


It is an unnerving thought, but it seems increasingly clear that Justin Trudeau here in Canada, and Joe Biden in the States, have for years been in the pay of the Communist Chinese government. And that this has influenced them to go at times against the interests of their own country.

And after all, why wouldn’t this be so? Bribery is the standard way to do business in China. Now that China is the second-largest world economy, their government has vast financial resources. Plenty enough to bribe foreign leaders. Why wouldn’t they apply their business culture abroad?

In past generations, even were this attempted, we could probably count on our leadership, our political elites, to be too committed to the ideals of Canada, or the USA, to their homeland and its people, to take such bribes. But now, in case anyone hasn’t noticed, our elites no longer feel this way: Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden have made it no secret that they do not feel this way. There is, we are told, no Canadian mainstream culture. Biden and Trudeau and those around them have open contempt for Canada, or the US, as patriarchies, “white supremacist,” and “settler colonies.” They pretty much must be torn down. This can surely justify, at least in their own minds, dealing with the enemy. Especially if they is a lot in it for them. 

It is telling that much or all the money seems to have gone to close relatives, rather than to the two politicians themselves. To the Chinese way of thinking, the family is an indissoluble unit: money given to any member is money given to “the big guy.” It is also an essential part of Chinese culture that any gift implies a quid pro quo. This is not optional; they will keep accounts and balance sheets.

Which may explain why they were so livid at Canada’s detaining the HuaWei CFO.

Without assuming this Chinese control, it is hard to account for many of the actions of the Trudeau government’s, or indeed Biden’s. They often seem to go against the national interest. Or they resist and stall when action against China seems advisable.

Why is this coming out now, and at the same time in both countries?

It is “whistle blowers” somewhere in the security service.

Why are they leaking now?

Because a few years ago, such payments might have looked corrupt, but not alarming. 

Since Xi Jinping has gone totalitarian, and seized Hong Kong, the bribery has begun to look more like a direct threat to national security. Making  it seem now necessary to take the risk of blowing the whistle.

If Canada is worth the subverting, we can be sure the CCP is doing the same in many other places. New Zealand, the Solomon Islands, the Philippines, show evidence of this. I wonder about France, the Netherlands, South Korea. That they have bought many African leaders is common knowledge.

Sun Tzu says that the war is won before the first shot is fired. This is what the CCP is doing. They are undermining Canada and the West from within.

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