Thursday, July 02, 2020

News of the Apocalypse

Apparently there will be a full moon this year on the night of July 4th, America’s big day. Oh, and a lunar eclipse. 

Biden, apparently suffering from rapidly advancing senility, is far ahead in the polls.

Mobs are now tearing down statues of elk.

Meantime, China is experiencing a new outbreak of the coronavirus now in their capital; an emerging strain of influenza capable of a separate pandemic; historical flooding on the Yangtze River; hailstones the size of baseballs in Wuhan, the original site of the coronavirus outbreak, just downriver from the Three Gorges Dam, now in danger of bursting. A tornado was recently filmed (videoed?) on the outskirts of Beijing. And did I mention the knee-deep snow that in Western China on July 1st?

God is no longer being subtle about it.

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