Friday, July 03, 2020


Here’s a vision of the future: ebikes. In a city, they avoid traffic jams and the problems of parking; they are non-polluting; and they are a lot cheaper than owning a car. Setting up a fleet of ebikes rentable by the hour would probably be a lot faster than maintaining a public transit system, and a lot healthier. Not only do they avoid the close quarters and enclosed spaces during a COVID epidemic; they give a measure of healthy exercise.

Did you know that the average car trip is only 5.5 miles? That could easily be done on an ebike, and save a lot of money on gas.

Why not close some downtown streets to vehicular traffic, and allow only streetcars and ebikes?

And how about dedicated ebike trails in the countryside? How about a trans-Canada trail suitable for ebikes? Unlike public transit, with this even the very poor could get out of the city and enjoy the wide open spaces. This could also revive a localized tourist industry that has been flagging since the early days of the automobile. It might be good for national unity to encourage people in this way to see and experience the rest of Canada. It would promote fitness and reduce health costs. And it would cut down on those notorious carbon emissions.


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