Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Ever Dance with the Devil in the Pale Moonlight?

Here’s a flash of insight I had today.

Probably self-evident, and obvious to everyone. I might have even thought it myself, before. But it felt like a flash of insight today.

The real value of the present uncanny complex of crises, perhaps the divine point, is that it reveals emphatically who the bad guys are. It seems as though, quite consistently, the bad guys are reacting to the crisis by becoming more blatantly evil. It is as though the zombie hordes have suddenly become illuminated by a flash of lightning, and we see them plainly.

There’s a virus spreading, killing the old and infirm? Great. Now’s our opportunity to pour into the streets. Let’s spread the virus, break things, loot, tear down statues, and demand the elimination of the police. That’s clear enough, isn’t it?

There’s a virus spreading? It’s time for the whole world to come together against this common enemy? Great. Now’s our opportunity to really subjugate Hong Kong. Why not invade India? Let’s threaten Australia, and make claims on Vladivostok.

We have a health emergency? People are dying? Great. Now’s our chance to make big profits by suppressing information on any inexpensive measures and drugs that would combat the virus. Instead, we’ll promote new drugs that are under patent. The more people get sick, the more money we make.

Evil has turned and looked us straight in the face, leering. It no longer allows you the luxury of deniability. If you do not stand against it, you have signed the Devil’s own bargain, and by now you must know you have. As does everyone else.

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