Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Edmonton Ethelreds

New Edmonton mascot Ethelred the Unready.

So now that the Washington Redskins have declared a name change, little brother Canada has to do the same thing. So the Edmonton Eskimos have announced the dropping of their traditional name.

To be clear, there is absolutely nothing pejorative about the word “Eskimo.” Dropping it is silly.

On the other hand, I have never liked it, because it has nothing to do with Edmonton.

In seeking a new name, the club apparently must come up with a new “E” moniker, as they want to keep their Double-E logo.

Edmonton Elk? Not a bad name for a football team. But it seems to demand an elk in the logo instead of the EE.

Edmonton Earthquake? I rather like it, but it too has nothing to do with Edmonton, not in an earthquake zone.

Edmonton Eagles? There are lots of bald eagles in the area, but it is too closely identified as an American symbol to seem right for a Canadian team.

Edmonton Engineers? I’m thinking of train engineers. Nice images available, and relevant to the West. But unfortunately not especially relevant to Edmonton. The railroad was famously late to make it to Edmonton.

Edmonton Elementals? I kind of like this one. An elemental is a supernatural being, by one definition. By another, something basic, essential, inevitable. Problem is most fans will have no idea what it means.

Edmonton Explorers? Feels relevant to the old West; Mackenzie and many another passed through.

Edmonton Eddies? KISS. Not obviously sillier than the “Buffalo Bills”

Edmonton Europeans? Would be the ironic choice.

Edmonton Edge?

Edmonton Electronics? Sounds high tech, promoting the city as progressive and such nonsense. “E-Men” would make a nice nickname. And the connotation sounds good: working like a machine.

Yer welcome, Edmonton.

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