Playing the Indian Card

Monday, August 07, 2023

Vivek Ramaswamy


Vivek Ramaswamy is getting some traction as a presidential candidate. 

This my not mean much. Most times, dark horses rise and fall in the course of the presidential season. Herman Cain, Howard Dean, Michelle Bachman, Pete Buttigeig, Ben Carson; all had their day.

But just in case, it seems worth pointing out that some of his positions are alarming.

He wants to impose a “civics test” to allow 18 to 24-year-olds to vote. This is plainly discriminatory: the right to vote is inherent and follows from every man’s right to decide what is best for himself. Moreover, the content of any “civics test” could be skewed to exclude voters of a given opinion. No government should be allowed to choose its own voters.

Ramaswamy also wants to extend the use of executive orders. This subverts the legislative branch, reduces checks and balances, and moves the US in the direction of a dictatorship, if an elected dictatorship.

I imagine Ramaswamy is well-intentioned, but some of his instincts are bad.

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