Playing the Indian Card

Wednesday, September 07, 2022

Wild Bells in the Black Dawn


Until the COVID epidemic, I trusted those in authority to be usually trying to do the right thing. They could be misguided, and sometimes gave in to corruption, but in general, I supposed they were on the side of the right, at least in Western democracies.

After the last few years, I feel I was naïve. I should have known better, too, because the Bible warns on this point. The Devil is the lord of this world. The good people are always the ones out of power, as in the Beatitudes. Perhaps this is only just: you get what you want in this world, or you get it in the next; not both.

I think the governments have now been reckless, and overplayed their hand. Ivermectin worked, and they suppressed it. The vaccines had serious side effects, and they suppressed this information. Vaccine mandates were never medically necessary or advisable. Many have died.

Why were they so reckless? Perhaps because they already heard approaching footsteps. Thanks to improving communications and information technology.

Various governments are now becoming more authoritarian, and more openly against the common people, because they realize they will have lost legitimacy, or will soon. Their only chance now is to cow into obedience through fear.

Will this work? I think it will not. The present order is about to end. I think by now we all sense it. It is not clear what will follow.

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