Playing the Indian Card

Sunday, June 19, 2022

The Pride Parade


June is “Pride Month.” It used to be “Gay Pride Month,” but now it’s for pride in general.

Why does every town and city, even smallish ones like Kingston Ontario, hold an annual pride parade? 

It is not, after all, that there’re are so many gays.

But that’s just it. 

Imagine the problem for gays. You are physically attracted to people who, at least ninety-nine times out of a hundred, are not going to be attracted to you. More often the reverse; they will be repulsed at the thought of sex with you.

Not great for the old morale. How on earth are you going to hook up?

For this, the Pride Parade is most useful. There you are, out in public, advertising your availability. Or, if you lack the nerve, in the crowd, seeing who might accept an approach.

This is why we are disproportionately inundated with gay culture. If you’re gay, you gotta advertise. 

In the modern age of Tinder and such dating apps, the need to parade in public semi-nude ought to abate. And perhaps we can all get back to our dignified inhibitions.

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