Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter

Happy Easter to all!

Does anyone else still remember Easter Seals?

Every Easter, we would buy them in sheets, and put them on our letters. It was a big part of the season.

The money we spent on the stamps was used to help “crippled children.”

The charity marches on, but somehow Easter Seals are not the central part of the season they once were.

I think it is because we beat polio. Crippled children used to be much more common than they are. The March of Dimes, specifically for polio, is also no longer the big annual event it was.

Just as we beat tuberculosis—the Canadian Lung Association’s “Christmas Seals” used to be almost as big.

Just as, over the years, we beat leprosy, smallpox, cholera, typhus, AIDS… all mass killers. Not to mention a dozen once inevitable childhood diseases.

Just as we will beat COVID-19.

It could happen any day.

Then we will all rise from our homes again.

Resurrection is coming.

Pass it on.

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