Tuesday, April 28, 2020

A Journal of the Plague Year

The meat shortage is real.

Went for my weekly food excursion today. The store was uncrowded, with no lineup. This was for seniors hour.

About half of the meat aisle was filled with fresh pasta instead of meat. 

I bought some fresh pasta.

Times like this, I’m glad I’m a vegetarian.

Scads of toilet paper. No yeast. Saw something about this on YouTube. Since everyone is stuck at home, they’re getting into baking. Demand is 600% higher than normal.

Pity. Since I’m stuck home, I was thinking of getting into baking.

People are getting better at social distancing. In the US, people seem to be getting restive. Here, they were slow to take it seriously, but are adjusting to things. This is the difference between a liberal (US) and a conservative (Canada) culture.

I am happy to see Trump still doing press conferences; at least today. Scott Adams had an insight here. Press conferences are obsolete. With the pandemic, they are also unnecessarily risky. “Press conferences” ought to go online, and allow questions from the general public. As they exist, they unfairly favour established over new or upstart media and media companies, and have allowed a self-interested elite to control what people hear and see.

After Trump’s mention of UV light as a possible treatment for coronavirus, YouTube, Vimeo, and Twitter all suddenly took down a video demonstrating the possibilities of UV light as a possible treatment for coronavirus. This illustrates the clear and present danger the current system represents. It is subverting American democracy, and is liable to get a lot of people killed.

In other news, Kim Jong Un is still dead.

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