Playing the Indian Card

Friday, June 30, 2023

Where's My Cheque?


The US Supreme Court decision that “affirmative action” programs for university admission are unconstitutional racial discrimination also makes a case that a great number of whites are entitled to reparations.

The left has long demanded reparations be paid out to blacks for slavery. San Francisco’s city government recently proposed giving each black citizen of the city $5 million. Yet nobody who suffered under slavery is still alive. Nobody who perpetrated the peculiar institution is still alive. Almost all American blacks have some European blood, quite possibly from slaveholders taking advantage of their position. Fewer than one percent of the US population, even during slave times, owned slaves. Most white Americans probably descend from more recent immigrants. Accordingly, the average black American is the individual most likely to owe himself or herself reparations, if anyone does; not the innocent general public who just happen to have the wrong colour of skin.

One might argue that, aside rom slavery, reparations are due for Jim Crow laws, for segregation in the US South. But the last of that was overturned by the civil rights acts in 1964-65. To have been personally subject to it, you would have to be over 65 or so now. And it would have affected you only for a brief period at that. To have been discriminated against in college admissions or for a job, you would have to be about 75.

By contrast, affirmative action in college admissions, systemically discriminating against whites and Asians, was introduced in the mid-Sixties and has continued until today. This means that every white native-born American alive today has suffered from systemic discrimination for most or all of their lives, and is justly entitled to reparations, if there is any argument for reparations at all.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Affirmative Action in College Admissions Ruled Illegal in US


Great news. Let's hope that, as usual, little brother follows big brother's example.

Muslim Parents Protest


The leftist coalition is falling apart. It is losing women, Muslims, Latinos. The striking thing is that most leftists in power are not pulling back from their demand to expose children to transgenderism. Two members of Blair Higgs’s PC cabinet in New Brunswick actually resigned rather than accept that parental knowledge and permission is required for a child to formally change gender--despite polls showing Higgs has a winning issue.  Antifa is in the streets calling Muslims “bigots” for objecting to drag shows in the schools. Despite calling anyone else who criticizes Muslims “Islamophobic.” This is the hill they are ready to die on. It is worth wondering why? What, for them, is at stake?

We used to call the ideology they are fighting for here “relativism.” Or, speaking more plainly, truth and morality are for them a matter of free choice. The idea that a man can decide to be a woman is only the flagship for this flotilla. Having sex with children is also, by this doctrine, perfectly okay. It is this they want to defend; they want to defend the dream that they can have and do anything they want. Any denial of this absolute freedom of choice is “fascist.” It is a wicked angel at the gates of Eden wielding a flaming sword.

Foolishly, they imagined that Islam was an ally. After all, they had a different set of beliefs from Christians, and so their presence discounted absolutism, right? That proved all beliefs are arbitrary, so we must all embrace relativism. Let them all immigrate in a flood. That ought to fix everything.

But Muslims are of course absolutists. While they might disagree with Christians on details, broadly, their beliefs regarding reality and morality are the same, and relativism is the one unacceptable option.

The Al Qaeda terrorists did not fly into the Twin Towers to end the influence of Christian theism. They did so to end the immorality emanating from the West, the unrestricted sex and moral license. 

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

What about Lukashenko?


There was, we must assume, some secret deal between Putin and Prigozhin. We do not know what it was. Part of it was probably making Putin’s portion in the deal look better in public than in reality: Putin would need this to stay in power, and would probably trade off other things for it.

But what about Lukashenko, who brokered the deal?

He has agreed to let an alien armed force, possibly up to 25,000 strong, relocate to his territory. That looks risky. What is in it for him?

Perhaps, seeing Putin fading, he is turning to Prigozhin as backup in case of popular revolt. Best to have foreign troops: they are less inhibited about shooting local civilians.

He does risk Prigozhin seizing power in Belarus. No doubt he is counting on the Russian’s focus remaining on Moscow, the bigger prize.

But even if so, Prigozhin might do better at taking Moscow if he combined his own force with the army of Belarus.

Perhaps then, rather than risk this, Lukashenko has actually agreed to join forces voluntarily with Prigozhin at some point in this venture. A promise to do so may have been what clinched the deal: Prigozhin could have gone in immediately with the force he had at hand, or waited to go in later with the Belarussian army at his side.

From Prigozhin’s point of view, Belarus is conveniently close to Moscow. He can martial here and wait his moment.

For Putin, the deal might have been worth making, even knowing this aspect of it, to allow him to organize his exit, with guarantees from Lukashenko and Prigozhin for his personal safety and security and a comfortable retirement. And who knows? Given a little more time, circumstances might also turn in his favour.

We shall see.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Toronto's New Mayor


Toronto has just elected a left-wing mayor, Olivia Chow. This confirms the wisdom of my plan to leave for New Brunswick. Cities tend to the left generally. And are generally falling into decay.

Not all Toronto mayors, however, have been left-wing. This is the home of Rob Ford and Mel Lastman. John Tory was a former leader of the Progressive Conservatives.

So does Chow’s election suggest a swing to the left?

I don’t think so. The field was fractured—over a hundred candidates. Chow stood out on the left, with big name recognition, and therefore was able to coalesce the left-wing vote behind her. The right was splintered among several candidates of relatively equal prominence: Mark Saunders, the former police chief, endorsed by Premier Ford; Anthony Furey, endorsed by Jordan Peterson; Ana Bailao, endorsed by ex-mayor Tory; Brad Bradford, a longtime city councillor; Chris Sky, whom Las Vegas was giving good odds. Vote was split; first-past-the-post system. Common story. The same reason Trudeau stays in power in Ottawa, despite being reviled by most Canadians.

As it was, Chow’s win was unexpectedly tight. Chow won by about 34,000 votes. If second-place Bailao had combined her right-wing vote with that of third-place right-wing Saunders, she would have beaten Chow by about the same margin. Add in fourth-place Anthony Furey, also on the right, and Bailao would have doubled Chow’s margin of victory. 

If anything, this election showed the Toronto right wing vote to be stronger than the left-wing vote.

This being so, I am hopeful Chow’s agenda will be hog-tied in City Council.

And I begin to favour ending the first-past-the-post system. I’d like an Irish or Australian ballot, where you rank choices in order. Bottom candidate drops off and his vote is redistributed until one candidate or another reaches 50%.

Monday, June 26, 2023

For what It's Worth


As Prigozhin drove out of Rostov after the deal with Putin and the call-down, he was smiling. He did not look like a man who had just lost a big gamble. He did not look afraid.

Another Thought on Helping the Poor


Belatedly, I have another idea on how to achieve a preferential option for the poor. One major factor keeping the poor poor is frivolous overregulation restricting people from operating in given fields without a major investment of time and money. A government who really wanted to help the poor would cut these away.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Coming for Your Children


An actual crowd cant during the recent NYC Pride Parade.

"We're here. We're queer. We're coming for your children."

The Preferential Option for the Poor


Catholic social doctrine is, to my mind, close to being self-evidently true: solidarity, subsidiarity, human dignity, the dignity of labour. If only we could all agree on getting it done.

Except for one issue: the preferential option for the poor. Of course this is right; but how to go about it as a practical matter? How reduce inequalities of wealth in society?

We cannot simply take from the rich and give to the poor. This, as Catholic social doctrine makes clear, is unjust. Each man has a right to the products of his labour. This is what social justice actually means: to each according to his merits. That means he has a right to his property.

On the other hand, the dignity of man, and human solidarity, means we must together ensure that no one is left without means sufficient for life. We are each our brother’s keeper. In the classic case, if a man is starving, he has a right to take a loaf of bread. It is not theft, in a moral sense. We must organize society so that no one is sleeping in a tent in a Canadian winter.

But how?

Unions? Collective bargaining? Does not work. If one shop is organized to achieve higher wages, this means they must price their products higher. Customers go elsewhere, the firm goes out of business, and everyone starves. 

Organize across an entire industry, and the work simply moves abroad. 

The union movement has therefore collapsed in any industry which cannot establish a monopoly. It is limited to the building trades and government workers. 

People in the building trades and the civil service make more than the average income. 

So unions make the rich richer, by forcing the poor to pay more for certain goods and services.

A minimum wage? This has all the same problems. Jobs are eliminated in favour of self-serve and automation. As has been said, the real minimum wage is zero.

Welfare? A Universal Basic Income? Daniel Patrick Moynihan demonstrated its effects. By replacing the father in the family, it encourages family breakdown. Children do not well in a single-parent family, and the next generation is doomed to poverty and helplessness. It violates the dignity of work.

The first thing that might be done is to discourage single-parent families. End no-fault divorce.

The one thing that seems most obvious is that education should be free at all levels; as it is in some European countries. The only criterion for advancement should be merit. This is social justice; it gives everyone an equal shake. This is the same principle on which we have public libraries. It benefits not only the poor, but society as a whole: it means we get the best at each position, improving overall efficiency. If anything done by government ever were an investment, this is one.

The next thing would be monasteries—or some equivalent. A place where the poor and oppressed and those abandoned or abused by their families could be taken in, but with dignity and purpose. A place abused children could safely run away to. Sadly, the monasteries were broken up all over Europe in about the Enlightenment, not because the system did not work, but because it worked too well: the monasteries grew rich, and the civil power wanted the assets. 

For some generations, the alternative for poor kids who were abused was to run off with the circus, or to become gas jockeys somewhere. That escape was killed by child labour laws and minimum wage. Leaving what? Only drug dealing or prostitution.

There was an attempt in the Seventies and Eighties to revive something like the monastery system: the “cults.” The Hare Krishnas, the Moonies, Scientology, the Falun Gong in China. And the authorities went after them hammer and tongs wherever they appeared. Remember Waco. 

Even the Indian residential schools were too well calculated to help the Indian poor, and so have been declared anathema. Residential schools should probably instead be expanded: any child born into a single-parent family should attend a residential school. Ideally not run by government, but by some religious organization.

The reality is that much of society is constructed to keep the poor down.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Muslim Protest in Front of the PMO

So much for Trudeau's claim that Muslims support secularism and Christianity is anti-Muslim.

As a believing Christian, I actually felt more comfortable in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States than I do in secular Canada.

Divide and Rule


At this writing, it is not clear what is happening in Russia. This morning, Prigozhin’s Wagner group was marching for Moscow, Prigozhin saying Russia needed a new president. As of a couple of hours ago, Prigozhin has ordered them back to barracks. Has he lost, was it all some sort of play-acting, or is it a pause to allow for negotiation? 

However it turns out, it seems strange in the first place that Putin would have let this situation develop. It seems an obviously bad idea to allow private armies within a state. This is why the government, proverbially, has a monopoly on the use of force. It is an invitation to eventual civil war. In the conduct of a war against external enemies, it leaves command disjointed and coordination difficult. And, as happened here, one faction can pull out of the line at the worst possible moment.

Yet this divide and rule pattern seems to be Putin’s preference. I understand he likes to encourage competing centres of power. He positively builds up warlords like Prigozhin or Kadyrov.

This is a trait Putin shares with Hitler. The Fuehrer too had his various private armies: the Waffen SS under Himmler; the SA under Roehm; the Luftwaffe and Gestapo under Goering. He would also regularly charge two officials with the same responsibilities. According to William L. Shirer, he even once had two officials, unknown to each other, bid competitively for something at auction on his behalf—forcing himself to pay a higher price.

It seems mad; it is mad; but it is typical of a narcissist. A narcissist delights in seeing conflict among others. They will stir it up. They will do what they can to convince party A that party B has it in or them; then party B that party A is out to get them. Perhaps this is to distract from their own scheming and self-serving; perhaps it salves their conscience to see others act maliciously. But it also means that, if anyone underneath them gets too big, they can call on the other factions to pull them down.

It means that a narcissist in power is profoundly damaging to any state, community, or family. There will be ill-feelings and grudges everywhere.

And it explains the beatitude “Blessed are the peace-makers.” This refers not to those who negotiate formal peace treaties, not the Kissingers and the Arafats or even the Pearsons. It refers to those who, when in power over others, try to maintain peace among those subject to them, rather than fomenting trouble.

Justin Trudeau is a striking example of a leader who foments conflict instead of peace. Biden is his like. The entire doctrine of intersectionality is about setting us all at one another’s throats. And is liable to lead us, too, to civil war.

Friday, June 23, 2023



I can’t help being excited by RFK Jr.’s presidential bid. I think, at a minimum, he is going to change the popular discourse dramatically—I think he already has--and ensure that Biden does not win a second term. One way or another, this is going to be historic.

As things stand, Biden and the Democratic Party are trying to fix the nomination for Biden by moving the South Carolina primary up to become the first contest. Iowa and New Hampshire are naturally enough unhappy with this. Moreover, the New Hampshire constitution mandates that NH must go before anyone else. 

So all the Biden campaign can do is refuse to run in these first two contests. That means Kennedy sweeps these first two contests. They can refuse to seat his delegates, but this gets him media and momentum. Since the Republicans are running primaries at the same time, they will not be ignored. Calculating that the Biden campaign can block this momentum with a big win in South Carolina is a gamble.

Meantime, the charges of corruption are gathering around Biden. Meantime, the signs of mental decline are multiplying. But by backing Biden and keeping everyone else out of the race, the Dem establishment has no backup, if Biden falters or becomes unelectable.

They are trying to keep RFK out of the media. But this is not likely to work as well as it did: alternative outlets like Joe Rogan now get much more viewership than the old “mainstream,” and on these alternative platforms, RFK is sought and active. He is highly articulate, he comes across as utterly sincere, he has a compelling case and a compelling personal story.

I myself find it hard to resist the personal story. Those of my generation were permanently traumatized by the assassination of JFK. It was when the postwar promise of America seemed to end, when everything started to go wrong. RFK looked like a chance to get back on track, and then he was assassinated too. It was hard not to believe a conspiracy was involved. Now RFK Jr. looks, to us old fogies, like a possibility to, even at this late date, make it all right again. 

They can try all the dirty tricks they used to keep Bernie Sanders from the nomination, twice. But each time they do this they take a grave risk of alienating their base. They covered for that last time by having Biden adopt a large part of the far-left agenda. But I think they miscalculated. People did not support Bernie Sanders because of his platform. They supported him because he seemed sincere and not a part of the establishment. A lot of strong Sanders supporters are now accused of being on the right: Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard.

Now RFK has that same ground. It is probably a majority of Democratic voters. Sanders should have won, had he not been blocked, and Sanders was not an attractive candidate—too old, and unknown before he ran. RFK is more attractive, with more compelling issues, and with Kennedy charisma.

Block him as they blocked Sanders? No doubt they can do it, but if they do, I expect they will have gone to the well too many times. RFK comes into the race already looking like a martyr; because his father and his uncle were martyred; because he has been censored for his views on vaccines. Strike him down now, and the consequences could be dire for the Dems. If their base does not defect to the Republicans, Cornell West is running. Rumours are Joe Manchin may run too. That gives alternatives to both left and right. Many more could simply stay at home.

In the meantime, Kennedy is forcing a debate on the Covid vaccine and the lockdowns, which is devastating to the establishment. People will want to vote against the establishment as a first priority. If not RFK, their choice is not going to be Biden.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Mindfulness and Art


The creative writing text from which I am currently teaching advises that anyone who aspires to be a writer must develop “mindfulness”: meaning they must always be alert to exactly what is happening around them, mentally recording every sight and sound.

I think this is exactly wrong. And depressing. Real writers are incapable of doing this. Real writers are usually incapable of earning a driver’s license, because they cannot pay attention to what is happening around them. They live in their imagination.

The author gives an example to demonstrate her point, a “flash” essay chronicling a writer’s morning on her balcony watching a neighbour watering her plants. Only mildly interesting, not worth the time to read it: my primary impression as a reader is of self-indulgence. This is someone who thinks a thing is of immense importance simply because it happens to her.

“Realism” in art is a blind alley. 

Shakespeare is partially to blame for this misunderstanding. In Hamlet, he refers to art as “holding the mirror up to nature.” People assume this is a mandate for “realism,” for describing things just as they appear to our physical senses. Isn’t that what nature is? The physical world?

But of course, we do not need a mirror to see nature in this sense. We can look at it directly. Were this the point of art, there would be no point to art. 

Shakespeare here, as is clear in context, means “human nature.” Art holds the mirror up to our souls. “The play’s the thing/ With which to catch the conscience of a king.” Art shows truth, not mundane sense perceptions. Art should be unlike everyday life. Art is the escape from that. Art also should not be “self-expression”; it is the escape from self. 

Art should be vivid, not “realistic.” 

Consider Kafka’s short story, “Metamorphosis.” Has he ever had the opportunity to carefully observe what it would feel like to be a giant bug and to have many small legs that are difficult to control? Or crawling on the ceiling? Yet it is intensely vivid; we can imagine being Gregor Samsa ourselves. That is vividness, not realism. A thing is vivid if it appeals to the imagination.

Consider too fairy tales—the most enduring and popular of all literature. They never give authentic-sounding sensory detail. Some modern authors have tried to rewrite them in realistic terms—and the results are unreadable. One does not want to hear Cinderella contemplating a hangnail, or searching the prince’s palace for a toilet.

Sometimes verisimilitude to a common actual sensory experience helps make a passage vivid; usually not. Sometimes precise physical description is a means to this end; usually not. Certainly art should not editorialize or comment on the side; it should be visual, it should speak in images, not ideas: but that is not the same as sense perception. “Image” is the preserve of the imagination, not the senses. Art speaks through symbol and example, not discursively.

This is all also a misunderstanding of the originally Buddhist concept of mindfulness. Western materialists always reverse the meaning. This Western “mindfulness” is really emptying the mind of all thoughts--mindlessness. Anyone who aspires to be an arhat must learn to shut out what is going on in front of their eyes, and see instead with the mind’s eye. That’s why you sit still with your eyes closed. You shut out sensation, including the sensation of breathing or any ambient sounds, in order to ponder your memories and your imaginings; what Buddhism calls the “storehouse consciousness.”

Perhaps it is best to illustrate as a poem:


The rain pings like loose change on the Chivas Regal sign across the street
Like the climax of a spaghetti Western
Heard through a drive-in speaker.
I do not know the dog sleeping mindfully at my feet
The karmic pinball machine has thrown us together for this moment
For reasons beyond comprehension.
The confused yellow butterflies of August 
Are grounded by the mild turbulence.
They do not tumble after one another.
The dog body wakes, raises his head
And stares at their absence.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Joe Biden Lays Down the Law


(1) Simon Ateba on Twitter: "No comment" / Twitter

Clown World


So what are the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, recently controversially honoured by the LA Dodgers, all about?

The Dodgers, and their other deenders, will say they are a charitable organization. Which they are—they promote AIDS education and hand out free condoms. But this does not excuse them if they are also promoting hatred towards some identifiable group. The Taliban also does charity work. The Mafia did. So did the Nazi party. It’s good PR for wicked people.

According to Wikipedia, the group was founded in 1979, as a performance troupe. Their public performances and public protests, then, are their raison d’etre. They diversified into charity work once the AIDS epidemic began to ravish their homosexual community. And their proposed solution—essentially, use a condom—is arguably not the best advice. It might have caused more deaths than it prevented.

Their performances, their name, and the nun’s habit are obviously meant to ridicule the Catholic Church.

But why whiteface? 

Had they chosen blackface, the charge of racism would have been obvious.

You might argue that they were trying to look like clowns, not white people. But then, why do clowns have white faces? When old-time entertainers put on blackface, wasn’t it to mock black people, to make them look foolish? They were blackface clowns. Isn’t the principle the same for whiteface clowns?

But, you might argue, aren’t the perpetrators themselves already white? Are they mocking their own race? And if so, isn’t self-mockery okay?

Not all ”white” people are particularly pale. The English, let alone continental Europeans, are markedly darker in complexion than those living further north, the Irish, the Scottish, the Scandinavians. Are they mocking themselves by making their faces paler, or one or another of these other racial groups?

Why does the classic clown have red hair? Isn’t this mockery of a genetic characteristic concentrated in Northern Europe: in the Irish and Scottish in particular?

Clarabell the Clown

Of course it is. Whiteface clowns are racist if blackface clowns are, in the same way. The Irish have traditionally been held in contempt in the English-speaking world. 

In particular because they are Catholic.

Bozo the Clown

Live public performances in clown makeup of course have an additional benefit: they attract children.

Is it all starting to make a perverse sense?

Ronald McDonald

Monday, June 19, 2023

Thought Crimes in Canada


Removing Books from School Libraries



Friend Xerxes is amused that state laws meant to give parents the opportunity to object to books in grade school libraries have now been used, in a couple of instances, to ban the Bible, for containing sex and violence.

He points out examples of sex and violence in the Bible.

To suppose that the issue is sex and violence, however, is to obscure the issue. The problem is that we pretend that morality does not exist. Which reduces us to talking about sex and violence as “inappropriate.” Of course, the Bible contains sex and violence. Heck, it describes someone being executed slowly on a cross, his genitals on public display. I remember throwing up at the description in grade school.

Traditional fairly tales too are violent, even though they have in recent centuries, unfortunately, been bowdlerized. The wolf eats Grandma; the Wicked Queen poisons Snow White. Hansel and Gretel are abandoned twice by their parents to be eaten by wild animals. A witch tries to eat them. And what about  Tom and Jerry or Roadrunner cartoons? There is little about sex in children’s literature, true; but that is plausibly because children would not understand what is going on without elaborate explanations. And probably would not be interested.

Many parents want some books removed from school libraries (not “banned”) because they teach immorality; they encourage children to experiment with sex. 

The Bible, of course, does the reverse.

If Xerxes or others want to argue that parents have no right to teach their children morality, or guard their children’s morality, or protect their children from sexual predators, they must also object to parents interfering with what their children watch on TV, or explore on the Internet, or discuss with strangers on the street. That is an uncommon opinion, and probably needs to be justified.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Simply the Best


Being materialists, we are inclined to think of memories as not being a real. Of course they are not material: but consider the possibility that the memory is a real, objectively existing place, where everything goes and stays when it is not present to our senses. Because, literally, we know that this is so. Nothing actually fades from memory; its existence is not dependent on our consciousness of it, on our perceiving it. This is what objective existence means. 

Yes, we may for the moment not remember. But we know that every memory is still there, and can arise again to consciousness unpredictably at any moment—perhaps inspired by the smell of lilacs, a tune on the radio, or the taste of a madeleine.

Can we then also remember things that happened to someone else? 

Why not, since memories are objective? And this could explain the many uncanny reports of remembering “past lives,” and the many apparently collective memories described by Carl Jung, which he calls the “collective unconscious.” The evidence is there; we only ignore it because it does not fit our prejudices.

We also know that people we remember can do things we do not will them to do, or that we do not expect. In dreams, for example; or in our waking fantasies. So in the case of remembered people, their consciousness, their will, also survives.

Most cultures have thought this. This is the foundation of their belief in an afterlife. In Korea, there is a mudang who channels the soul of Douglas MacArthur. She even has the corn cob pipe. MacArthur is not gone; he lives in memory, and occasionally speaks through her.

Properly speaking, all memories are immortal. They are in some vast storehouse somewhere. But there are actually two things we call “memory.” There is this storehouse, and there is our ability to recall items from it. If someone is not recalled easily, their existence in memory is lacking in energy. They are indistinct and wraith-like: literally starved for attention.

Some people, by the force of their personality or their talents, are uniquely memorable. They are not necessarily good people; just memorable people. And these are the ones Chinese Taoism, or Korean shamanism, will call “Immortals.”

This is why people keep thinking they see Elvis at the drug store, or Hitler in hotels in Brazil. They are too memorable to fade from immediate consciousness. 

This is why Roman emperors were commonly declared gods at death, and given sacrifices. This is why the Greek gods demand sacrifices. This is why the Chinese burn paper gifts for their ancestors, and put food at their graves. Our remembering them is their food.

I suspect that Tina Turner is immortal in this sense.

Saturday, June 17, 2023



The leftists/WEFists holding effective power in Canada and in the US and in the EU still seem to be aiming, as one Fox news banner briefly put it, for a “wannabe dictatorship.” However, I believe the moral ground has shifted. Their resort to overt bare-knuckle tactics, if anything, proves it. When moral force fails, what you have left is physical force. It’s old Bull Connor turning the fire hose on the freedom marchers.

They have lost the high ground, and the moral high ground is everything. 

There are multiplying evidences. 

One is that friend Xerxes objects, in his latest column, to the pronoun “they.” 

This is, in the first place, a 180 for someone on the left; they (sorry) have been promoting “they” for decades—first as an alternative to the offensive “he,” more recently also to the offensive “she.” And Xerxes was never concerned when “they” referred to some vague “patriarchy,” or “white supremacy,” or “corporate interests,” or “post-colonialism,” or “the system,” or, to use his own term, “Bible thumpers.”

It’s a problem for him now, I suspect, because the “they” he sees as liable to be criticized in good company is the group I call above the leftists/WEFists; the “Woke” elite. With whom, through his columns, he is associated. He seems at least in the first stages of pulling away. This is a miracle I thought I would not live to see.

Xerxes is right that we should be more specific. People should always be seen as individuals, not as members of some group. That is prejudice.

The problem is, the woke mob themselves hide behind anonymity. Avoiding personal responsibility is part of their ethos. 

To begin with, they literally wear masks. 

They also hide behind figureheads. Biden is nominally US president. But we know he is not really mentally capable of being in control, and we do not know who is. Trudeau is nominally Canadian prime minister. But we know he is unqualified, just an actor playing a part, only a front window mannequin. Someone is pulling the strings; we do not know who. Rishi Sunak was arbitrarily installed as UK prime minister. We do not know who is running him.

They also use moles. Erin O’Toole pretended to be a “True Blue Tory.” He was not; he was controlled opposition, an agent for the other side, whoever they are. Mitt Romney, who claimed, awkwardly, to be “severely conservative,” was the same in the States.

So they deliberately muddy the picture. If we cannot be too specific about who “they” are, nobody knows who “they” are, except, presumably, “they.” But there is clearly some kind of group think, relying on NPCs, people just going along with the agenda to avoid either being targeted or thinking for themselves. This latter group too deserves some blame as “they.”

It is this mass of NPCs who could suddenly turn, if it is more profitable or safer to argue the other side. They will then deny having ever been they. Then the walls come tumbling down.

The candidacies of Cornell West and RFK Jr. should hasten the fall of they. I assume “they” will not allow RFK to get the nomination, and he is a strong candidate with a strong case. They are going to have to play dirty to prevent it. RFK is sincere, articulate, and eagerly invited onto all the alternative media. When he is shut down, it will be obvios, and there is likely to be increased moral revulsion on left and right. His family history already gives him the moral patina of martyrdom and reminds us of the era of Martin Luther King.

Cornell West is an unusually prominent figure to be running for the Greens. He too will be listened to, and, being himself black, his candidacy may reduce the black tendency to vote Democrat as a matter of course. A legion of NPCs may turn.

The recent LA Dodgers “Gay Pride Night” was apparently sparsely attended, and there were boos when the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence were introduced to receive their award. There was, reportedly, a much larger crowd outside, praying and holding protest signs.

The ground has shifted, and morality is coming back in fashion.

Friday, June 16, 2023

Born with the Gift of Laughter, and a Conviction that the World Is Mad


Most of the world is mad. Most of the world is in denial of reality. 

I have lived in more than a few cultures now, around the world. As an outsider, it is easier to see collective delusions. Koreans think all evil comes from foreigners, especially Japanese. Arabs commonly believe the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Americans, whether conscious of it or not, tend to think the rest of the world does not really exist. Chinese think the current authority is always, necessarily, right. Don’t ask me about Canada. That would take too long. 

All the countries I have lived in are insane except for the Philippines. I suspect from visits that Ireland and Italy are also sane. Although, counter to this, Italy did go with fascism not that long ago.

I spent many years in higher education, naively thinking that there I would find truth, or at least the search for truth. But, as with most things in this fallen world, the reality was the reverse of the claim.

Example: in first year philosophy, the lecturer discounted this or that philosophy with the statement that, by this premise, one would have to believe that unicorns are real. “But of course, unicorns are not real,” Case closed.

Wait a minute, I thought even at the time. That’s begging the question.

How about that: a philosophy lecturer teaching a logical fallacy.

But then, the philosophy class never taught us to detect logical fallacies of any kind. No class I ever took did. Why not? 

Unicorns are, of course, real. They are not physical. That is not the same thing.

Example: when I formally studied the New Testament, all scholarship began with the premise that any miracles in the New Testament were lies and inventions; our goal was to get to the “real man,” Jesus of Nazareth, an ordinary carpenter. And when I studied the life of the Buddha, the premise was the same: the goal was to recover the “real” historical man behind the supposed legend.

But this is tautological. If Jesus is divine, miracles are to be expected. The miracles are recorded to prove his divinity. And the same for the Buddha.

Example: in the history of philosophy, there are dozens of proofs of the existence of God. Nothing could be more firmly established. Yet these proofs were never directly addressed in philosophy classes, nor in nine years of formally studying religion. Instead, they were literally ignored even when they were plainly present in the texts being studied, and the existence of God was presented as a highly dubious and arbitrary matter of “faith.” One was supposed to look down on anyone who so professed as an intellectual weakling. As someone who rejected “reason”—even though reason evidently required the opposite, the admission of God’s being.

Example: William Blake’s religious ideas are essential to understanding his poetry. They were his core interest and intent. Understanding his religious beliefs is essential to understanding Yeats’ poetry. These two are arguably the greatest poets in the English language. Studying literature for nine years, I noticed that Blake and Yeats seemed to be largely avoided, at least in comparison to their merits. And when they were discussed, their religious beliefs were ignored. What, I wondered from an early age, was going on?

The case was most obvious with Blake and Yeats; but it was also obvious with other poets. Gerard Manley Hopkins was given short shrift, and when his “terrible sonnets” came up, the conventional claim was that his suffering was no doubt due to his being a devout Catholic. Shakespeare’s religious views were generally ignored, even though it is impossible to make sense of Hamlet without them. Instead, that play was just declared a “problem.” Oscar Wilde’s Catholicism was ignored. And on and on.

Similarly, the curriculum always seemed to concentrate on poets’ early work. The Romantics conveniently tended to die young; but we also rarely looked at the later poems of Eliot, or Auden, or Blake, or Ginsberg. I assumed for a long time this was because poetry was a young man’s game, like mathematics; that the gift usually faded with age.

But this makes little sense. Poetry is mostly about insight, into the human psyche and the human condition, and in the natural course, insight into life and human nature expands with age. It’s a thing called wisdom.

Rather, I come to conclude that the later writings of the greatest minds have generally been avoided because in our later years we become more concerned with metaphysical insights and speculations. In youth, we are biologically driven to focus on sex and reproduction. In age, these distractions lessen. We start to speak truth; people do not want to hear it. Aged poets become awkwardly religious. We’d rather talk about sexual longing.

We deny the “supernatural” or metaphysical out of hand. This is illegitimate. You have not demonstrated that it does not exist: you have just closed your eyes and stuck your fingers in your ears and begun to sing loudly to yourself. You are in denial.

And denying the supernatural is not honestly possible. Man is supernatural in his essence: “nature” is, literally, what exists where man is not present.

All along, through my years of academic study, I knew perfectly well that there were metaphysical realities. That is why I wanted to study religion and literature in the first place: because these realities were denied everywhere else. Yet I was compelled by the pressures of social authority to hold my tongue. If I said unicorns were real, would I be declared mad? Was I, in fact, mad? This used to be a real fear, causing me immense anxiety. Chronic anxiety, for which I had to take tranquilizers and anti-depressants.

Why is everyone in denial of the self-evident? 

Guilt. We must control and deny reality, because reality is dangerous to our self-esteem.

Everyone is aware of their sinfulness, even if we are sinful to greater and lesser degrees. And there are two approaches to an awareness of guilt. Deny and be damned, or repent and be saved.

The majority choose denial.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Shared as a Public Service

Were they wise to set Tucker Carlson loose?

Situation Report from the American Civil War


I think I see the morning star appear: the woke left is finished. 

The “rainbow coalition” of special interest groups that has been the foundation of the American left since the Eighties has always been fragile, because it is a random group without shared interests: feminists, African Americans, various immigrant groups, notably Hispanics and Muslims, and gays. As I have long noted, these groups have few interests or opinions in common. They were united only by a shared hatred of straight white Christian males. Each of these groups, taken individually, actually has more in common with straight white Christian males and the American mainstream than with each other. It was only a matter of time until some of them began to figure this out.

Dylan Mulvaney and the extreme, visibly pedophilic demands of the trans activists turned out to be the straw that set afire the camel’s back in a holocaust of mixed metaphors. We now see demonstrations by Muslim parents against trans pride in the schools. It is not good to anger the Muslims. Asian-American immigrants  have been pulling away rom the left for some time. Suburban moms have been protesting at local school boards; so much for the women’s vote. Latinos are uniting against the LA Dodgers’ celebration of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, fairly described as an anti-Catholic hate group. The left, completely detached from the lives and concerns of actual immigrants, seem never to have noticed that Latinos are Catholic. Prominent feminists like Margaret Atwood and J.K. Rowling have pointed out that trans rights are fundamentally incompatible with women’s rights. A growing number of gays have dissociated themselves rom the trans movement. After all, the difference between men and women is the whole reason they are gay. 

The working class, once the foundation of the left, has been of course abandoned long ago. They are now the deplorables, who should not be allowed to take up space. Especially not on Parliament Hill or on the Capitol Building.

African-Americans, blacks, seem to be lagging in figuring this out and moving beyond their prejudices. But there are voices of growing prominence: Larry Elder, Tim Scott, Candace Owens, “Tyrus.” It is happening; and it is inevitable. The trans and leftist hostility to Christian values goes against a deeply religious strain in the African-American soul.

Why, in face of this, is so much of the leadership on the left still embracing and identifying themselves with the trans activists? Why did they embrace the movement to begin with?

To begin with, because they are out of touch; and this is their own fault. They have plugged their ears, sought to silence and deplatform, voices and opinions they did not like. The necessary result is that they have been living in a thought bubble, unaware of what is really going on.

Secondly, because their fundamental philosophical principle, that there is no truth, reality, or true morality; that each of us is radically free to create our own universe; is perfectly expressed by the trans movement. It is their flagship, their battle standard. It is their hill to die on.

And I think they will.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Not with a Bang but a Muffled Scream

Everybody loves children. So we keep telling one another. Even the cruellest dictator, to show what a decent sort he is, will pose kissing babies. Because everybody knows that everybody loves children.

But those who live by the lie will commonly state the opposite of the truth. It is actually dangerously common to hate children. The narcissistic will look at a child with deep if hidden resentment, aware that, one day, they will be dead and that child will still be alive. This is intolerable. It is the key to that inevitable beginning to every ancient Greek hero story, the oracle’s prediction that this child will grow up to supplant the parent. Of course he will; children do, in the natural course of things.

And a good number of us will hate them for it.

It was rightly said by Gandhi that a society can be judged by how well it treats the weakest and most vulnerable of its citizens. Children are the true weakest and most vulnerable among us.

And, contrary to protestations, we are treating them badly.

Most obviously, with abortion. We are killing them at their most vulnerable. Even when the alternative of adoption is readily available, and there is a shortage of babies to adopt. This looks like malice.

We are sacrificing the interests of children in allowing and commonly committing no-fault divorce. 

We are sacrificing the interests of children in accepting and commonly committing deliberate one-parent families: women choosing to have children without a husband.

When pedophiles want to prey on children sexually, with their rainbow flags and unicorns and drag queen story hours and pornographic books in school libraries; government, schools, big business unite to aggressively support the pedophiles. It is hard to explain this without assuming malice.

When somebody runs a pedophilic pleasure island, we do not learn or demand to know his clients.

We recently demanded all children get vaccinated for Covid, even though, at their age, the vaccine was more dangerous to them than Covid. The health of children was sacrificed for the health of adults; or even just for the sake of harming children.

We are sacrificing aboriginal, “First Nations” children and young people wholesale. First by closing down the residential schools, which were largely orphanages for those from broken or desperately poor or dysfunctional homes. Then we objected adamantly to putting them up for adoption—the “Sixties scoop.” Abandoning them, in many cases, to a terrible fate. We then studiously ignore the issue when aboriginal young people form suicide pacts to escape the abuse. We ignore the true cause of an epidemic of missing and murdered aboriginal women—invariably young women fleeing an intolerable home life. We grasp at any alibi to avoid solving the problem. If a young Indian woman escapes, and inevitably ends up on the street in the city, our “solution” is to force her back into the abusive family. Insisting it is all her fault.

More generally, if a child is abused, we rarely or never blame the family. Instead, we declare him or her “mentally ill.” Giving us a license to not listen to their cries for help.

And then there are the schools. Not the residential schools, the public schools. Our public schools are deliberately designed, as a matter of historical fact, per John Taylor Gatto, to prevent children from succeeding in life. They are held there incommunicado, unable to follow their own natural impulses for knowledge, and deliberately not taught what they most need: the meaning of life, the rules of life, the skills of rhetoric, of organizing in groups, of bookkeeping and managing money, of formal logic and logical fallacies, the scientific method. No, they are not taught science. They are taught the opposite of science, and it is called science, as though the point is to obscure science in their minds. Instead, they are taught to stand in lines, respond to bells, sit still for long periods, do as they are told, accept as absolute the judgement of designated adults on themselves and the world around them, not to question or to dream or to think independently. 

Yes, children need to learn discipline. But not this arbitrary and ungrounded discipline; not this template for dictatorship.

Much of our economy, and our regulatory apparatus, seems then designed to make it hard for young people to get out on their own and to establish themselves once they leave school. The minimum wage, eliminating jobs for those just starting out and learning. The demand for arbitrary and elaborate credentials to legally work at a given job: needless certifications for every specific job: haircutting, teaching, journalism, massage, serving coffee; almost any field. And each certification costs large amounts of time and money. These regulations and certifications exist to profit those already in the field at the cost of young people starting out.

Now we’re mutilating and sterilizing the young, in the drive for “gender affirmation.”

The point of a culture is to pass on the best rules for life to the next generation. A culture that turns too obviously against the next generation is a culture that must be destroyed; and that will be destroyed, since it is destroying itself. One thinks of the ancient Canaanites, who practiced ritual infanticide. This justified eliminating them. Ritual infanticide justified the Romans in salting the earth of Carthage.

This is the way a civilization ends.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Sign the Petition


End false hate crimes.

Unicorns and Rainbows


Watching video of recent demonstrations in Ottawa for and against “LGBTQ rights,” there is no trouble distinguishing sides. I see that one of the pride protesters is dressed as a cartoonish furry pink unicorn, against the inevitable backdrop of rainbow flags and rainbow colours and pastel pink and blue trans flags. It looks a lot like Disneyland.

Which brings up an obvious thought, one I am amazed has not occurred to me before.

Before the era of trans and gay rights, what would be automatically evoked by cartoonish furry pink unicorns? By rainbows? By pastel pink and baby blue? For that matter, by men in whiteface painted extravagantly as women? Who would be the intended audience?

Children. Not knowing what it was all about, children would naturally be delighted, and drawn to such an exhibit. Clowns! Toys!

The whole gay thing has always been targeted at children. They have always been coming for the children, as the San Francisco Gay Choir recklessly blurted out in song some years ago.

Saudi Arabia has a reputation for suppressing gay rights. I lived there for some years, and a lot of foreign teachers I knew were there because it was a paradise for gay men. They could be open about it, find a partner every night, and nobody bothered them. One of my Arab students even did his class presentation on his gay lover. Nobody seemed to have any problem with it.

But one colleague was suddenly given 24 hours to leave the country. He had solicited a student.

In other words, the actual offense is not homosexual sex. It is grooming. This is no doubt why homosexuality has traditionally been banned in most cultures.

We have or some years been fed the fiction that people are born gay or trans. This is obviously untrue: if there were such a thing as a gay or trans gene, it would be bred out within a generation. Gays are made by sexual experiences in childhood or early adolescence; we are programmed to be deeply imprinted by our earliest sexual experiences. In ancient Greece, it went without saying that an adult gay man’s lover would be a “youth.”

It is only becoming more explicit that the fundamental “gay right” or “trans right” is pedophilia. Without this practice, given the natural operation of human sexuality, there will over time be no gay partners.

And finding partners is necessarily a grave problem for a gay.

It was all bound to come to a head, and now it has.

Monday, June 12, 2023



A Man's a Man for A' That

What is a woman?

“A woman is an adult human female,” the dictionaries say. And “female” means “of or denoting the sex that can bear offspring or produce eggs, distinguished biologically by the production of gametes (ova) that can be fertilized by male gametes.”

Aha, objects the trans lobby--but there are some “biological women” who cannot bear offspring or produce eggs. For example, those past menopause. Yet you still call them women. So it is arbitrary to say “biological men” cannot be women.

To which I respond, by this standard nothing can be defined, and no word has meaning.

Consider the analogy of the elephant. What is an elephant?

“A heavy plant-eating mammal with a prehensile trunk, long curved ivory tusks, and large ears, native to Africa and southern Asia.”

Aha; but many elephants do not have long curved ivory tusks. Their tusks have been cut off for the ivory trade. Therefore, either most circus elephants are not elephants, or else it is impossible to define “elephant,” and if I tell you this monkey is an elephant, you must accept that it is so.

With animals, we determine what they are, in case of doubt, by looking at their DNA and their bone structure.

Human males and females can also be conclusively identified by their DNA and their bone structure.

The Fall of the Persian Empire


The left has gone too far. The tide is turning against them. 

The latest evidence comes from my leftist columnist friend, Xerxes. In last Sunday’s column, he warned against Big Pharma and Big Tech (he called the latter “the media,” but named only Facebook and YouTube). Just as the right is doing.

 So far, no surprise. These are corporations operated for profit. Profit has always been evil to Xerxes.

But then he goes on to warn about governments as well. In fact, he says, government is worse. It is able to silence its opponents and throw them in jail.

I wrote to agree with him, and he responded that, while some might say “follow the money,” he now says “follow the power.”

And that simple insight puts him, I think, on the right. The left has been deluded by Marxism to see capital as the enemy. Xerxes may not yet have worked out the implications—I suggested he should look also, with the same lens, at the learned professions as a power elite. I doubt he would say he was on the right. But from this point, I think the logic is inevitable.

And it is occurring to more and more people.  I suspect the days when it was cool to be on the left are at an end. 

Sunday, June 11, 2023

A Small Victory over Grooming in Schools


It seems to me insane that NB Premier Blair Higgs is facing opposition over this policy--from fellow Conservatives.

But credit to him for at least shaving a corner off the far-left agenda in the schools.

Advanced Alien Cilvilizations


I have no insight on the recent claims of alien craft in the possession of governments. I have always thought that, because of the extreme distances, travel from another solar system was improbable. To make it possible, almost necessarily, an alien civilization would have to know how to travel not just through space, but through time. This would also explain the “impossible” maneuvers the craft are reported to make.

But if the critical factor is time travel, there is no need to assume space travel as well. These uncanny visitors could be from our own future; Occam’s Razor.

But whether or not they are alien visitors, commentators on UFOs are shockingly ready to assume the possibility of civilizations “more advanced” than ours on other planets. Shockingly, because in any other context, claiming that one civilization is more advanced than another is rank heresy. It is racism, and will come, quite possibly, in Canada, with criminal penalties. We cannot, for instance, suggest that the European culture that appeared on American shores in 1492 was more advanced than that of the natives, or that contact was likely to be a boon to them on balance. No; such an idea is “cultural genocide.”

Worse, the government scientists are reputedly trying to "reverse-engineer" the acquired crafts, to learn from them. This is blasphemy. Necessarily, as all civilizations are equally advanced, we can have nothing to learn from any aliens. This is all blatant alien supremacy.

Yet it is obvious that one civilization, or culture, can be more advanced than another. Advanced not just in this way or that, but even overall. It may, as is theorized about the UFOs, have had more time to work out the various kinks of mortal existence; less time preoccupied with mere material survival in a state of nature.

A culture or a civilization is a tool for achieving the best life. Not all tools are equal. 

Some tools are even harmful. One thinks of the need to wipe out Nazism in Germany, or the cult of the divine emperor in Japan. The ancient Israelites, Greeks, and Romans similarly saw a need to wipe out the Canaanite and Punic practice of child sacrifice. The British felt justified in wiping out the Thug cult or human sacrifice in India, and the practice of widow-burning, suttee.

An immigrant society like Canada, the US, or Singapore, can take advantage of this fact of cultures living cheek by jowl by choosing the best from each. A wise workman chooses the best tool for the job, not the one manufactured closest to his home. It is no accident that immigrant and outward-looking trading societies have been the main sources of culture and technological improvements over the centuries. 

Tragically, more recently, we have instead deliberately tried to halt the progress of civilization, with concepts like “multiculturalism,” “cultural appropriation,” “affirmative action” and “equity.” In the natural course of things it is likely that different ethnic groups will dominate in different spheres, in which their culture gives them expertise, and which their ethnic culture most values: Irish in policing, say; Dutch in luxury trades; blacks in preaching; aboriginals in the military; English in accounting; Italians in the food industry. It is cruel and artificial to try to prevent this, barring people from their dreams, and we all lose as a result.

We’ll never achieve time travel with this approach. 

So it may indeed be aliens.

Friday, June 09, 2023

A Short Glossary of Newspeak


Some mainline journalist has done an article accusing Matt Walsh of “transphobia.”

By its nature, that is a charge one cannot counter. Because “transphobia” is bad by definition, and is otherwise undefinable.

A phobia is an “excessive, extreme, irrational, fear or panic reaction about a situation, living creature, place or object.” (phobia definition - Search (

Yet that is obviously not what we are talking about. There is really no such thing as “transphobia.” Nobody has a panic reaction to seeing a man wearing a dress. Similarly, there is no such thing as “Islamophobia,” or “homophobia.” Anyone using these terms is simply dishonest, and speaking in bad faith. It is a way to avoid addressing an argument by simply declaring it irrational.

There is also, I warrant, no such thing in the modern world as a “white supremacist.” Even the Nazis were not “white supremacists.” The insult is effective precisely because everyone considers it a bad thing (like “phobia”). Accordingly, nobody is it. Anybody using it against an opponent is almost necessarily arguing in bad faith.

There are other such dishonest terms. They are proliferating. “Pro-choice,” for example; for wanting unrestricted abortion.  Unrestricted abortion assigns one more choice to the mother, by removing it from everyone else. An abortion denies all choice to the foetus, the father, the grandparents, the siblings, or the community.

“Gender-affirming surgery” is another deliberate lie. Said surgery destroys or obscures one’s gender (or sex) while incapable of giving you a new one. 

“Reproductive health,” as the term is now used, is about preventing reproduction, and so is, by normal standards, induced reproductive illness.

“Planned Parenthood” actually means planning not to be a parent.

Politicians these day use the term “invest” when they mean “spend money.” As if the government necessarily gets a return on spending. I believe this verbal trick was invented by Bill Clinton, but now everyone who wants to raise government spending uses it.

When people use terms that are deliberate lies, it proves one thing: they know they are doing something wrong.

It is interesting that all the examples I can think of are from the left. I cannot think of examples on the right. 

Thursday, June 08, 2023

How the US Can Save Canada


Given Justin Trudeau’s increasingly autocratic rule, and perhaps also subversion by China, Tucker Carlson recently suggested an American invasion. Don’t Americans owe it to Canadians to defend their freedom? And do they want another Cuba on their northern border?

Let us concede that Canada is going to hell in a handcart. Still, there is a simpler, safer, solution.

The US need only declare Canada in violation of human rights; then accept refugee claims from Canadians, give then green cards and a track to citizenship.

If Trudeau continues on his fast track to tyranny, it would then matter little; individual Canadians could vote with their feet. There is no way any Canadian government could close that vast border.

It would probably also benefit America. The world is facing depopulation; the developed world is responding by opening the doors to immigration. 

But which immigrants? From the American perspective, Canadians are ideal: they are culturally identical. They are already Americans in all but passport.

And the brain drain would probably force the Canadian government to be more respectful towards its citizens. Problem solved, not a shot fired.

Perhaps more generally, depopulation will force governments to pull back from their present growing totalitarianism. I have read that the depopulation after the Black Death had much to do with the end of serfdom; labour became more precious, and had to be wooed. 

Of course, there is the opposite theory, that labour is going to become less needed as automation increases. Yet this has never happened at any previous stage of improved technology. It has always been the opposite: more jobs, and a rise in demand for labour. Improved technology makes goods cheaper; the demand for them rises. Each individual can afford, and wants, more stuff.

As populations collapse, the countries that will grow in power and influence will be those most attractive to immigrants. Prosperity will depend on offering rights and freedoms.

Wednesday, June 07, 2023



The Novaya Kakhovka dam has been blown up in Ukraine: who did it? Half the commentators are sure it was the Russians. Half are sure it was the Ukrainians. Both sides deny it.

Why would the Ukrainians blow up the dam?

It will cut off much of the water supply to Crimea.

It will flood some lowlands where Russian troops have defensive lines.

Why would the Russians blow up the dam?

It makes a Ukrainian counteroffensive across the Dnepr harder, by making the Dnepr wider and deeper.

It floods the centre of Kherson, the large city in the area, now in Ukrainian hands.

The Ukrainians seem likely to recapture the area soon. Better, then, to blow it up as they retreat, rather than hand it over intact and give more strength to Ukraine. The Russians have been targeting Ukrainian infrastructure elsewhere.

By contrast, why would the Ukrainians blow it up, if they expect to capture it, and will need it to rebuild their country?

According to the Ukrainians, the Russians already had the dam wired up for destruction; the Russians deny this. The Ukrainians claim it is not practical to blow a dam of that size with a missile strike. In any case, since they held the dam, it would have been easier for the Russians to blow it than the Ukrainians.

On balance, given all these calculations, it seems most likely that the Russians did it. 

Perhaps in impotent fury.

Tuesday, June 06, 2023

Fairy Tales


We pay too little attention to hero legends, fairy tales, and fables. We value them too little. “Tall tales” and “fairy tales” are commonly scorned as mere lies. Yes, we encourage our children to read them; but mostly for idle entertainment. They are “escapism,” and childish; not worth adult attention. And they are bowdlerized or perverted each generation. In the Disney versions circa the 1950s, they were all laundered to the message that romantic love (in other words, sex) solved everything. In recent years, they are invariably recast from the point of view of the villain. Shrek the ogre turns out to be misunderstood. 

It seems a deliberate perversion or undermining of the tales.

They are not traditionally studied in the academy as serious literature. Perhaps they may be studied for anthropological interest; perhaps as supposed expressions of a diseased psyche; but always from an alien perspective, and not in standard Literature classes as we would study real art.

When I was a kid, many parents did not allow their children to read comic books as somehow corrupting. They are classic hero legends, but we are so disconnected from this literary tradition that they are rarely recognized as such. Even those who compose them have been remarkably clumsy in their composition. They seem commonly to think that all that is needed is to come up with some new super-power and a catchy name, for a new hero or a new villain. Stan Lee’s effect on the genre in the early Sixties was electric simply because he understood the conventions. 

I imagine they are shunned because here, of all places, we find truth. The stone that is rejected is the cornerstone of the temple. Jesus spoke in fairy tales and fables—the parables. As did the Buddha.

The fairy tales, hero legends, fables, and parables are the literature of the common people. The literature studied in the schools and academies instead is the literature written to appeal to the upper classes. There is nothing wrong with that, but such literature is more likely to serve the purposes of the earthly powerful and maintain them in power. The folks who wrote and are the audience for the fairy tales and legends are those less connected with worldliness and the game of thrones, those Jesus identified in the Beatitudes.

Fairy tales are, proverbially, written by “Mother Goose”: a composite figure representing generations of illiterate women who passed these stories on nursery to nursery, village green to village green.

The hero legends were the male equivalent: told old hand to new hand in the lumber camps, in the barracks, on board ship at twilight. 

The fables were supposedly composed by Aesop, a slave. The New World equivalent, the Uncle Remus stories, were also told by a slave. They too represent the wisdom of the lower classes.

The lower classes have not been, at most periods, the less intelligent. Class was arbitrarily assigned by birth. And there were at all times a lot more of them. Accordingly, this literature is actually going to be better than the canon of the salons. The fact that it was oral also meant it had to be worth memorizing, generation after generation. That is a good test for quality and relevance.

And yet, we mostly ignore it. We rarely read it. We mock it.

Monday, June 05, 2023

On the Belgorod Road


Two Ukraine-sponsored Russian units, claiming they are fighting for the liberation of Russia, the Free Russia Legion and Russian Volunteer Corps, have been attacking in the Belgorod region. It seems quixotic, although they are certainly striking a propaganda blow. However, now Prigozhin, head of the Wagner group, has pulled out of the line in Bakhmut, actually exchanging fire with the Russian regular forces, and has declared his intent to wheel up to Belgorod to defend the motherland. Kadyrov, the Chechen leader, has said he intends to do the same.

I wonder if this is coordinated. 

These four rogue forces will now be out of the main lines just as the Ukraine begins their big offensive. Instead, they are moving to the point at which they are closest to Moscow. They will also stand between Moscow and the bulk of the Russian army, soon to be fully engaged by the Ukrainian counter-offensive.

They are perfectly positioned, in other words, to march on the capital to overthrow the regime, while the regime's forces are occupied elsewhere.

Is this all planned and coordinated among them? It could be. Or it could be all four forces are just seeing the same main chance.

Things might happen quickly if the Russian lines collapse in the South.

I have suspected this was largely a civil war from the start.

Sunday, June 04, 2023

2024 Predictions

I think RFK Jr. is an exceptionally attractive candidate. The Earth is moving beneath us. 

The Democratic Party establishment is determined to go with Biden and Harris, who are notably unpopular. Voters have growing reason to believe Biden is not in control of his faculties. The are both low in the polls. But the hubris of the Democratic establishment knows no bounds.

RFK is likely to win the first primary, in New Hampshire. Against a sitting president. In most years, that would clinch it. 

I expect the Democratic Party establishment is likely instead to blatantly rig the nomination process to keep him out. They will prevent other candidates from jumping in, the same way they managed to get everyone to jump out in 2020. They think they can get away with it, because they have previously gotten away ith it, against Bernie Sanders and the far left.

But I think they will run out of luck. I see RFK putting together a run as an independent; and I think a lot of other Democrats will join him. Imagine a ticket of RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard; almost a dream ticket in terms of charisma. Imagine Kristen Sinema and Joe Manchin flocking to these new colours. Imagine vocal support from dissatisfied leftists like Jimmy Dore and Joe Rogan in the media. They could pull a lot of votes, I suspect, if well-funded. Not enough to win, but enough to be a big factor, and establish a new party that might survive and supplant the current Democrats over time.

They could run on a peace platform, against big pharma and big business, for environmentalism, and against the extremities of the trans movement and the culture war. As the religious left, and as a reset of the Democrats to what they stood for in the late Sixties; “Kennedy Democrats.”

On the Republican side such a split has already happened, in 2016, and the insurgents won. That was when Trump took control of the party for the populists against the establishment.

Mike Pence is now the standard-bearer of the old guard. But I can’t see him overtaking Trump in the polls, and I can’t see them splitting off, as they did in 2016 under McMullin. That would look too much like a dead end. They will suck it up and back Trump. Conceivably, a few might move to RFK; but I can’t see even a Mitt Romney feeling more comfortable there. Because he is purely establishment, and RFK is anti-establishment. 

How about Trump’s VP pick? Unless something changes dramatically, as it certainly can, everybody else looks as though they are running for vice-president. Nobody but DeSantis is within range of Trump.

 Many are hoping for a Trump-DeSantis ticket. I think it is possible, even if they are going at it hammer and tongs for now. It would not work with DeSantis at the top of the ticket; that would seem too much of a comedown for a former president. But if Trump comes out on top, he holds no grudges. DeSantis might, in ordinary circumstances, be too big a beast to be content with second-best, but since Trump is limited to a single term, he might go for it.

Chris Christie is reputedly about to enter the race. He surely has no reasonable chance at the top of the ticket. My guess is he is consciously running for the vice-presidency. He is hoping to raise his profile. Having more people in the race actually helps Trump; he might even be a plant. Christie is a good attack dog; he took down Marco Rubio in 2016. Presidents generally like Vice Presidents who are attack dogs. Trump certainly does. He wanted Newt Gingrich on the ticket in 2016, for this reason. He had to take Pence thanks to pressure from party stalwarts. This time, he will not have that pressure. Newt is a little long in the tooth; but Christie might fit the bill. He could prove himself in the primaries.

Also auditioning for the vp slot, and highly suitable: Tim Scott, Larry Elder, and Nikki Haley. They are hoping, no doubt, to become diversity hires.

The cards look good for a Trump win.

On Demonizing the Left


Sam Smith at the Grammys

One way to understand Andrew Coyne’s recent complaint about “demonization” of the left by the right is as a backhanded admission that, should the right go down this route the left have been crowding for so long, it would be devastating for the left.

I am reminded of Nathanial Erskine-Smith’s concern, in defending the Emergency Act, at the right raising the issue of the Nuremberg Code.

This struck me at the time, because I had never heard anyone on the right mentioning the Nuremberg Accords. Kin fact, I had never heard of the Nuremberg Code. I had to look it up. They were a code of conduct for medical experimentation, agreed upon after the Second World war, in reaction to the Nazis using prisoners in medical experiments. Those participating in the testing of experimental drugs or procedures must give informed consent.

And yes, reading the text,there was a strong case that, in mandating anti-Covid vaccines, the Canadian government was in violation of the Nuremburg Accords. People were being forced to use an experimental drug, the long-term effects of which could not possibly be known.

Thanks for the tipoff, Nate. It proves that the left is not acting out of ignorance. They know exactly what they are doing.

Coyne’s warning says the same. They know they are demonic.

Where, these days, are you likely to encounter an open endorsement of Satan? Among members of the Biden administration. Among the designers of the Target line of trans clothing. And these are people endorsed and embraced by the rest of the left. 

Who is in open rebellion against “conventional morality”? Who is burning down churches and dressing in mockery as nuns?

It is not as if they are being subtle about it.

The left is responsible for a genocide against the unborn: unrestricted abortion.

They are responsible for many deaths through their imposition of vaccine mandates. Not for the vaccine—one can accept that the rushing of the vaccine was done for the best of intentions, even if unwise or unnecessar in retrospect. But they surely killed people by imposing mandates, and they imposed mandates after it would have been clear to those in control that the vaccines did not work to prevent transmission and carried serious risks. They imposed mandates right when there was no medical justification for them, unless the intent was to kill people.

They are responsible for a growing genocide against the old, the infirm, and the mentally ill with their promotion of “medical assistance in dying,” previously known as euthanasia. They can claim consent; but that argument is flawed. The old, poor, ill and weak are, by definition, the most vulnerable among us. They can easily be pressured into giving consent; and there is much evidence this is happening. The mentally ill in particular are commonly understood not to be competent to give consent. They can now  be executed by the very families who drove them to madness. The elderly suffering dementia must only hope their children are not too eager to receive their inheritance.

The left is responsible for another, separate genocide against the poor and mentally ill too in their push for “safe supply” of addictive drugs, with no attention given to treatment or recovery. When was this a good idea? Did we ever treat alcoholism by giving out free whisky? 

While the approach might once have been defensible in theory—just conceivably--the left is doubling down even after the statistics roll in showing the spike in deaths.

They are responsible for physically mutilating and sterilizing children—the drive to “gender affirming surgery,” even behind the backs of parents. The motive can only be malice; malice against children. In no other circumstance would we consider children competent to make such life-altering decisions. 

The simple truth is that the left wants everyone—everyone else but themselves—dead. They are even open about this. They talk of people as a cancer on the planet. They will persist and push forward with this until and unless the rest of us call them out.

You don’t get more demonic than this.

Saturday, June 03, 2023

A New Hope

It is a time for hope. It is worth remembering that, no matter present appearances, and as horrible as things canget, God is in command.

Bud Light is being badly hurt by boycott; so is Target. Toronto Blue Jays pitcher Anthony Bass knuckled under to the woke overlords—but was soundly booed at his next on-field appearance.

It is frightening, difficult, and dangerous to be the first person to speak up against tyranny. But we are past that point. There is now a developing community of the sane. People are no longer keeping their heads down and holding their tongues.

They, the cowed and silent, have done this until now in part out of respect for authority; the cap-doffing syndrome. If all the clever experts are saying men are women and down is up, it must be true; my own naïve conclusions must be faulty. But this aura of expertise has been badly discredited recently inevitably, due to the greater amount of information available to us all over the Internet. The expert class has always operated as a cartel restricting knowledge. Now they look increasingly ridiculous; as witness Matt Walsh’s “What Is a Woman?” docupic.

They have done this until now in part because, if they pointed out that the Emperor was inadvertently flashing the crowd, they knew they would be targeted for destruction. Safer to let the next guy take the risk. Now there are enough of us that this is less possible. With gratitude due to people like Ezra Levant, Jordan Peterson, Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, Clint Eastwood, J.K. Rowling, Margaret Atwood, people with a large enough established base that they could risk it; and prepared to risk it for the right.

And some of us have heretofore been flying monkeys, kapos, Rosenkrantzes: thinking to gain advantage by currying favour with this elite. This urge fades as the elite’s hold on the gift boxes of reward start to look shakier. This can change quickly, and the guns reverse direction, for such a class of people has no loyalty.

Because of this last faction, the snap back can happen quickly. We may be nearing that point.