Playing the Indian Card

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Snow White and the Evil Queen


Delighted to discover that Daily Wire, aka “Bent Key,” has announced a live-action remake of Snow White, starring Brett Cooper. This is just so smart and funny at first I could not believe it. Best troll ever. And they released the announcement, complete with teaser trailer, on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Disney company. It’s too good.

But it’s real.

I hear Disney is threatening to sue. They can’t. They’ll lose. Snow White is public domain. They do not own the story; they took it themselves from the Brothers Grimm. All Bent Key needs to do is make sure that Snow White’s dress is different from that in the original animated feature, and the Seven Dwarfs have different names. Everything else is from Grimm.

Brett Cooper is perfect for the role: naturally pale skinned and dark-haired. She fits the role better than Disney’s Rachel Zeigler. She is also a skilled actor. She has a big fan base from podcasting. I bet a lot of people will want to see the movie because she is in it.

People who loved the original animated feature, or the Grimm’s Fairy Tale, are angry at Disney for changing the characters and story line, for attempted indoctrination of children, and for expressing contempt for the original. Many will be desperate to pay to see the Bent Key version just to show their dssatisfaction with Disney.

Bent Key slyly refers in the trailer to the “true love” theme of the original story; 

“Once upon a time, in time a prince would come

Once upon a time, but now that time is gone…”

- the “one day my prince will come.” Which Disney’s Rachel Zeigler scorned and said would not be in the Disney remake.

The teaser also opens with the sound of a cuckoo or cuckoo clock—emphasizing the tale’s German origins, deleted by Disney’s version.

So this will be the REAL Snow White—and with a lot of luck, in future Snow White may be a Bent Key, rather than a Disney, franchise in the minds of the public.

Bent Key will not have the production budget Disney has. But how important is that in this story? I see no need for special effects. Just costume and makeup. I suspect many others, like me, are tired of all the computer-generated special effects anyway. They’ll have to find seven dwarf actors; but they presumably cost no more than other actors. Scenery needed is a forest, a rustic cottage with small furniture, some scenes that look like a room in a castle; child’s play. The biggest issue I see is that they need to compete musically to become the “real” Snow White; and they do not have access to the original songs from the animation, as Disney does. They’ll have to find some first-rate songwriters.

Even if the quality is not there, it’s a brilliant troll.

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