Playing the Indian Card

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Situation Report from the American Civil War


I think I see the morning star appear: the woke left is finished. 

The “rainbow coalition” of special interest groups that has been the foundation of the American left since the Eighties has always been fragile, because it is a random group without shared interests: feminists, African Americans, various immigrant groups, notably Hispanics and Muslims, and gays. As I have long noted, these groups have few interests or opinions in common. They were united only by a shared hatred of straight white Christian males. Each of these groups, taken individually, actually has more in common with straight white Christian males and the American mainstream than with each other. It was only a matter of time until some of them began to figure this out.

Dylan Mulvaney and the extreme, visibly pedophilic demands of the trans activists turned out to be the straw that set afire the camel’s back in a holocaust of mixed metaphors. We now see demonstrations by Muslim parents against trans pride in the schools. It is not good to anger the Muslims. Asian-American immigrants  have been pulling away rom the left for some time. Suburban moms have been protesting at local school boards; so much for the women’s vote. Latinos are uniting against the LA Dodgers’ celebration of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, fairly described as an anti-Catholic hate group. The left, completely detached from the lives and concerns of actual immigrants, seem never to have noticed that Latinos are Catholic. Prominent feminists like Margaret Atwood and J.K. Rowling have pointed out that trans rights are fundamentally incompatible with women’s rights. A growing number of gays have dissociated themselves rom the trans movement. After all, the difference between men and women is the whole reason they are gay. 

The working class, once the foundation of the left, has been of course abandoned long ago. They are now the deplorables, who should not be allowed to take up space. Especially not on Parliament Hill or on the Capitol Building.

African-Americans, blacks, seem to be lagging in figuring this out and moving beyond their prejudices. But there are voices of growing prominence: Larry Elder, Tim Scott, Candace Owens, “Tyrus.” It is happening; and it is inevitable. The trans and leftist hostility to Christian values goes against a deeply religious strain in the African-American soul.

Why, in face of this, is so much of the leadership on the left still embracing and identifying themselves with the trans activists? Why did they embrace the movement to begin with?

To begin with, because they are out of touch; and this is their own fault. They have plugged their ears, sought to silence and deplatform, voices and opinions they did not like. The necessary result is that they have been living in a thought bubble, unaware of what is really going on.

Secondly, because their fundamental philosophical principle, that there is no truth, reality, or true morality; that each of us is radically free to create our own universe; is perfectly expressed by the trans movement. It is their flagship, their battle standard. It is their hill to die on.

And I think they will.

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