Monday, May 04, 2020

News of the Apocalypse

Scott Adams or Elon Musk accounts for these things by suggesting we are living in a “simulation.”

Okay; but who programmed it?

William of Ockham says God.

Would it be possible to come up with a more flawed presidential candidate than Joe Biden?

He is publicly losing his mind to senility.

He is obviously corrupt: Burisma, of course, and, worse, big payoffs from Communist China.

He has long visibly acted boorish around women, including young girls.

And now he has been “credibly charged” with sexual assault. Quite apart from whether he did it, his and his supporters’ slogan was “believe all women.”

And it seems pretty clear already from his response to the allegations that he did it.

And Biden is leading Trump in the polls.

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