Playing the Indian Card

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

China Suicide Watch

The Chinese government cracking down in Hong Kong makes some sense in terms of survival instinct: to discourage internal revolution.

But China also seems to be picking fights everywhere and going out of their way to make enemies. At a time when the rest of the world already has reason to feel less friendly. This makes no strategic sense. It looks suicidal.

But it also looks like the recent actions of the Democratic Party in the US. As if they are daring the voters to turn against them.

It may be a sign that either, CCP or Democrats, see their own demise as inevitable, and are consciously or unconsciously seeking to hasten it to end the unbearable tension. One thinks of Hitler, launching doomed offensives rather than conserve his forces in the last months of the Second World War. If you're going down to defeat, you might as well do something high-risk and crazy, just on the off-hope it might scramble the deck.

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