Playing the Indian Card

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Farewell to the Grits

Now that the Canadian Liberal Party has suffered their worst election defeat ever, the question is, can they rebuild? Will they be back?

I think not--not unless the NDP screws up fairly quickly, and, not being in government, they don't have much chance to screw up soon.

The problem is, in order to hold  together, a party as far back as third place needs an ideological core around which to rally. The Liberals don't have that. Their unique sales proposition for the past forty years has been: 1. the natural governing party, and so the natural vehicle for the best and the brightest who sought power, and 2. the party that understood Quebec, and stood the best chance of keeping Quebec in Confederation.

Both those justifications are gone. Without them, why would anyone run as a Liberal?

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