Playing the Indian Card

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Population Bomb

My guide to the ancient city of Miletus, one of the places where European civilization began, observed that Turkey is growing by 1.5 million souls a year. He explains that Muslims believe children take you by the hand and pull you into paradise. Having children is a moral duty. There are no monks in Islam.

This has certain implications for Europe, because they have stopped making children there.

It is an amazing thing to watch a culture commit mass suicide. But that is what we have been watching in Europe over the last hundred years. First the fratricidal First World War. Then the deliberate holocaust of the Second. Now the culture wars and the holocaust of the next generation.

Meantime, fortunately or unfortunately, there is a growing tide on the fringes of Europe waiting to sweep in.

As it has been waiting for over a thousand years.

So much is obvious.

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