Playing the Indian Card

Monday, July 22, 2024

The Hellfire Club


I have heard both Vivek Ramaswamy and Jacob Rees-Mogg say recently that nobody is actually in control in Washington; there is nobody actually pulling the strings behind Joe Biden. Instead, it is a “mechanism,” according to Ramaswamy; Rees-Mogg says a “blob.” 

How does tis mechanism work, though? How does a blob coordinate the actions of many on many levels?

I think behind it, there must be something like a Hellfire Club; of which we actually heard in the Jeffrey Epstein revelations. We even know what they’re up to: the main lure is sex, especially sex with minors. Once someone has been compromised by participating, there is really no further need for coordination. The need to protect all other members, and the secrets of the club, becomes automatic, and dictates the necessary actions at all levels.

And this must be why they are so determined to stop Trump: he is not compromised. He is not a member of the club. In power, he might blow the lid off. It is not about political ideology. Trump is only a moderate Republican. They are similarly afraid of RFK Jr. on the left; or Tulsi Gabbard. 

I believe they killed Stanley Kubrick for obliquely revealing their existence in Eyes Wide Shut. Of course, they killed Jeffrey Epstein. They will try to kill any non0member who gets close to the highest levels of power, or anyone who, once a member, looks likely to reveal any secrets. 

Surely this will all come out soon. It is getting too obvious that this is going on.

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