Playing the Indian Card

Saturday, July 20, 2024

It Needs to Be Said: Women Are Beautiful but Crazy


Can we all agree that, on average, women are more beautiful than men/ 

Even the question seems absurd. Obviously, yes.

And that women have a stronger understanding and appreciation for beauty? 

And this is true even though some individual men can be strikingly handsome. This is true even though some individual male artists can produce unspeakable beauty in their works. 

Even when this is so—take a visit to your local art gallery. Whom do you see there, admiring this art? Mostly women.

Since this is uncontroverslal, that women are more beautiful than men, it should also be uncontroversial that men on average have a stronger grip than women on what is true. There are three transcendent values, the good, the true, and the beautiful. Women guide men on the beautiful, men guide women on the truth.

Note that women traditionally can become hysterical, delusional. Even the word is subtly gendered. Among societies that believe in spirit possession, the most common victim is a young woman. 

It has long been understood, and shown by proper scientific studies  that men are better at navigating than women. Men navigate by compass direction, by absolute distance, and by map. Women navigate by familiar landmarks, number of steps, or by asking directions. Their understanding is highly situational. 

I used to have fun in my classes by asking all the women, first, to point north. Almost none could. It looked random. Then I asked the men. Most could. 

This suggests a broader difference: men seek and are aware of the absolute truth directly. Women in general rely on men to know what it is.

This is what makes male-female companionship both possible and necessary. The woman brings beauty to the home; and the man brings directional guidance. This is why two women in the same home find it much harder to get along.

Two men have less problem, since they can be expected to both see the same truths. But the home will be a mess.

It also means that a woman without a man is likely to go off the rails. A woman needs a man not like a fish needs a bicycle, but like bicycle needs a steering mechanism. Left alone, women are like a runaway garden hose, thrashing around for meaning.

This means that female CEOs are usually a bad idea. There are magnificent exceptions; one thinks of Margaret Thatcher. But more often, they are easily distracted from the mission by matters like DEI or what colour drapes the office needs. They can fuss about trees and let the forest burn. They can worry about putting agents on a sloped roof, and leave the candidate unprotected.

This is surely why Saint Paul said women should not speak at services; why he said their path of virtue was to obey their husbands. This is surely why Jesus chose all male apostles.

 You think God did not know what he was doing?

Letting women take the lead is the first sin in the Book of Genesis; it led to all the catastrophes to follow. Contrast to Mary, who said instead, “behold the handmaid of the Lord. Let it be done to me according to your word.” 

The same motif appears in Greek myth: the story of Pandora’s box. I have seen it in North American Indian lore. In gnostic legend. And a Chinese student, commenting on Lady MacBeth, reports it is in the Chinese tradition as well.

It is inconceivable folly to ignore here the wisdom of our ancestors.

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