Playing the Indian Card

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Quick Comments in Time of Turmoil


The news has been coming too fast for commentary.

I think J.D. Vance is a great pick. Trump has a sense of the public mood, and I think he has picked well. With Vance, he is getting out ahead of the rapidly building white working class backlash against DEI. That is becoming the next big thing. Picking Rubio or Scott or Gabbard or some of the other possibles would have been conforming to the DEI agenda, if inadvertently. Not the message for this time.

Vance emerges from the same social space as the Canadian truckers and the Dutch farmers. It is their time to roar. They will roar. And it is better for everybody if their spokesmen are peacefully elected to government, before matters must be settled in the streets and in the fields.

Vance is also an accomplished writer. Although few seem to realize it, artistic talent, especially talent as a communicator, a writer or actor, is an important qualification for political leadership. I point to Reagan, Disraeli, Churchill, Trump himself, John Paul II. Vance could eventually become a historic president. As Trump already is.

On a different but related matter, it is generally good advice, as he saying goes, ot to ascribe to malice what can be adequately accounted for by incompetence. However, given the lengths the other side has visibly gone already to prevent the re-election of Donald Trump, we have every reason to believe either the assassination attempt on Trump a couple of days go was an inside job, or else the lax security, at least, was deliberate.

God help us all if they try again and succeed. Trump’s survival this time looks like a genuine miracle. I would not be the first to say that God seems to have a special cordon of protection around children, drunks, and the USA. George Washington survived an eerily similar near miss at the first battle of the French and Indian Wars.

Are Americans God’s chosen people? It seems to me plausible enough, on the same grounds that the Israelites were and are. The US Declaration of Independence, and the principles it represents, are a light unto the nations.

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