Playing the Indian Card

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Cat Ladies


J.D. Vance, Trump’s VP pick, is being criticized in many quarters for a comment that the Democratic party is being run by “childless cat ladies who regret their life choices.” Some are demanding that Trump force him off the ticket as a result.

The reason everyone is so upset, of course, is the same reason they hate Trump. It is because he has hit the nail so squarely on the head. And the truth hurts.

I am sure everyone else knows, as I do, many older women without children who have begun to take in stray cats; whose lives seem to revolve around their furry children. It also seems self-evident that this is a compensation, that they would be happier with children of their own. A child is a much better companion than a cat.

Vance explicitly ruled out those who are childless through no choice of their own. But many women of recent generations, influenced by feminism, chose to put career over family, easy sex over commitment, and self over potential partner. They came to view men with suspicion, and repelled possible pairings. And now they are often alone, lacking purpose, and unfulfilled.

Having made such a bad fist of their own lives, should they be turned to for public leadership? Having displayed such selfishness in private life as not to put themselves out for partner or children, should they be entrusted with the public treasury? And shouldn’t we worry about Aesop’s principle of the fox who lost his tail? Misery loves company.

Of course the cat ladies shriek with anger. It is hurtful because it is true, and it forces them to admit they have destroyed their lives.

But there is a time to call out harmful delusions, for the sake of the next generations.

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