Playing the Indian Card

Friday, February 23, 2024

Whether People Like It or Not


The leftist commentariat is delusional. 

Note this recent panel on CityTV’s Breakfast TV. The host asks whether “the numbers are so skewed now that we’re going to get a new prime minister whether people like it or not.”

Who exactly are the “people” here? And who are “the numbers”?

He then argues that Poilievre is taking a risk in coming out against hormone therapy for minors and allowing males to compete in female sports. He must move to the centre sooner or later or he is unelectable, “no matter what the polls say.”

Is he admitting that Canadian elections are fixed? Or is reality obliged to conform to his will?

Polling shows Canadians are against men in women’s sports by a four-to-one margin—and all four other major parties, Liberals, NDP, Bloc, and Greens, are on record as supporting hormone therapy for minors and men in women’s sports. 

Who exactly is not moving to the centre? 

How does this math work, that the vast majority of Canadians are “far right” and the centre is on the extreme left? 

And why does the commentariat never argue a need for the Liberals or the NDP to move to the “centre”? Why is it only incumbent on the right to do so?

The commentariat said a year go that Poilievre would be a disaster as Tory leader, it was a mistake for the party to choose him, because he was too far right. How was he ever going to “move to the centre,” as O’Toole obediently did? Now look at Poilievre’s polling numbers. Compare them to O’Toole’s. 

Either the leftist commentariat are delusional, or they intend to deceive.

They similarly persist in framing the issue as a matter of defending transgender “rights.”

The right to make life-altering decisions as a child, even without parental consent, is not extended to most children—only, as they propose, to supposed “transgenders.”

The right to choose which bathroom to use, or which sex to compete against in sport, or which prison to be sent to if convicted of a crime, is not extended to most of us—only, as they propose, to supposed “transgenders.”

The right to choose which pronouns others may use when speaking of you in your absence has never been extended to most of us—only, now by law in Canada, to supposed “transgenders.” They get to dictate.

These are not rights, but privileges. 

Either the leftist commentariat is delusional in calling them rights, or they intend to deceive.

But the same issue arises with the whole concept of “transgenderism.” A man believing he is a woman, or a woman believing she is a man, is delusional. They are disconnected from and in denial of physical reality—that is what a delusion is.

Or else, of course, they are intending to deceive.

 I give them the benefit of the doubt: they are insane. Hubris drives people insane. It is the classic trajectory of Greek tragedy, and the downfall is near.

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