Playing the Indian Card

Saturday, March 11, 2023

On Taking Tucker Carlson off the Air


In the current reaction among Democrats to the release of the Twitter files, and to Tucker Carlson’s airing of the January 6 videos, we are seeing the phenomenon sometimes called “narcissistic rage”; and perhaps gaining insight into why it occurs.

It happens when a liar is caught straight out in a lie; if the liar is a narcissist. What is he or she going to do? Not admit the lie; that is obviously too much to expect. Instead they will start shouting and making demands. They will project their own crime onto whoever threatens truth; they may even become apparently delusional, insisting that the evidence of our own eyes is a lie. “Gaslighting.”

Consider the recent speech of Chuck Schumer demanding that Tucker Carlson be taken off the air.

This sort of attempted bullying is not a sign of strength, but of weakness. The narcissist is fragile. He or she cannot bend or admit wrongdoing without breaking. 

What we call “narcissism” is more properly someone committed long term to vice; someone who has sold their soul to the Devil. If they then admit a lie, that reality is a thing, that there is an objective morality, they lose, in their own mind, everything. That is why the transgenders insist that, if you do not refer to them by their preferred pronouns, you are “denying they exist.”

Rather than admit the lie, they will resort to the most vicious language, and even to violence. 

We have seen this of late in Justin Trudeau.

Take heart; it is a sign that the beast is in its death throes.

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