Playing the Indian Card

Wednesday, December 14, 2022



Avonlea Village, Cavendish,, P.E.I.

Dave Rubin, who is gay, recently and properly said on air, “There is no such thing as the LGBTQ community.”

Your community is the people you run into on a typical day, the people you spend time with. Most naturally, the folks on your block. 

Other than sex, gays do not have anything in common. No number of one-night stands adds up to a community. Nor does a solitary couple. And gays have nothing in particular in common with lesbians, or transsexuals; no more than the average straight male.

Similarly, except for those who go to the same mosque, Muslims in Canada are not a community. Except for those who live on the same reserve, indigenous people are not a community. Unless they attend the same women’s club, feminists are not a community. Mariposa is a community. Avonlea is a community. Cabbagetown is a community.

These false so-called “communities,” moreover, are used to cut us off from our communities: from seeing and celebrating all we have in common with our neighbours. They promote hostility towards anyone who is different from us. They alienate.

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