Friday, August 28, 2020

Which Side are You On?

The War in Heaven

It is shocking to think it, let alone say it, but at some point it becomes moral cowardice not to. Watching the Republican Convention alongside parallel images of the widespread rioting compellingly illustrates that the current American presidential election is a stark choice between good and evil.

We want to believe everything can be worked out by reasoned discussion. But one side will not permit reasoned discussion. They want to censor, to shout down, to compel. The situation is the situation at the Munich Conference of 1938: compromise is impossible. There are no shared values any longer, and no shared goals.

One side wants to tear it all down; one side denies there is such a thing as truth, or good. This is, simply, Satanic.

The speakers at the Republican Convention, by contrast, kept referring to religion, to God, to the right to life. Truth and Good are at least acknowledged here.

Like it or not, Trump is on God’s side.

This may come as some surprise. Donald Trump is not someone most would pick as a role model for their children. I would never have picked him for president. He shows little familiarity with theology, the Bible, or the way the religious talk. Nevertheless, as noted here before, this is just the sort of person Yahweh picks. He is a God of miracles.

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