Playing the Indian Card

Thursday, September 19, 2019

A Chronicle of China Dying

A longtime China blogger talks about how things have recently deteriorated.

I believe this is a reflection of tough economic times coming fast. The Chinese government is obsessed with the collapse of the Soviet Union, and are determined to do the opposite in China to what Gorbachev did in Russia.

Knowing that economic trouble is coming--is largely already here--they have been cracking down and going back to old ways rather than to Perestroika and Glasnost. The attempted crackdown in Hogn Kong is only what has been most visible abroad.

I expect it all to work rather less well than Gorbachev's approach. The difference will simply be that it is going to be violent, bloody, and chaotic when the revolt comes.

At the same time, officials who think that the end is near have growing incentive to grab whatever they can of the silverware on the way out.

And the potential for unrest to spread from Hong Kong inland seems to me high.

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