Playing the Indian Card

Sunday, April 13, 2014

World's Best Prose Narratives

Not my field, exactly; I'm more of a poetry guy. Being a poetry guy, I dislike long, rambling books, and am drawn to language that is fine in detail. The piece also has to have a deep and powerful vision to be on this list--not just a rip-snorting read. These are books that explain the universe.

Andersen, Hans Christian, "The Princess and the Pea"
Andersen, Hans Christian, "The Emperor's New Clothes"
Burgess, Anthony, A Clockwork Orange
Carroll, Lewis, Alice in Wonderland
Carroll, Lewis, Through the Looking Glass
Conrad, Joseph, Heart of Darkness
Defoe, Daniel, Robinson Crusoe
Dostoyevsky, Feodor, Crime and Punishment
Golding, William, Lord of the Flies
Kafka, Franz, The Metamorphosis
Orwell, George, 1984
Orwell, George, Animal Farm
Wells, H. G., "In the Country of the Blind" (short story)
Wells, H.G., "The Door in the Wall" (short story)

Nope, no Joyce. Too much of a chore to read. 

Happy for suggestions re what I am missing.

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