Playing the Indian Card

Monday, November 07, 2011

Why the Beatles are Bound to Fail

Rock and roll is dead. That is so fifties. Folk is what young people want to hear now.
Nobody wants to listen to an ensemble. You need one human face on the act, for people to identify with. At least one obvious leader. 
Neither McCartney nor Lennon can read music. How the heck can they write music?
McCartney is left-handed. Where is he going to get a left-handed bass guitar? Left-handed guitars are expensive, and he is from a poor family.
Lennon admits he has no sense of rhythm.
Rock and roll is black American music and alien to the English experience. No white Englishman is going to be able to do it very competently.
Nobody in America is going to listen to an Englishman playing American music.
English music acts do not play well in the US. Ever heard of Cliff Richard?
Nobody in their early twenties is going to be all that accomplished at their instrument, whatever it is.

Need I go on? Anything everybody knows is sure to be wrong, and the next big thing will always be something that goes against what everybody knows.

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