Playing the Indian Card

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

888 Weighs In on Women's Fashion

My old friend 888 writes, regarding women wearing the veil:

“how you miss the point. if your car had an independent mind which you did not trust but wanted to control, then you'd keep it hidden too.sheiks, brides, kings do what they please by choice. they are not beheaded for not doing it. the problem with your thinking is that you are using your 'reverence' for women only for getting to something sinister. when people are hanged, they are veiled too, thats not by choice and no fun.”

Never mind a car. Horses really can have independent minds. And never mind a horse. Slaves surely can. Yet they are not covered up, are they?

It is hard to see how doing this could prevent them from exercising their independence. Just the reverse, actually. It would give them far greater freedom of movement, the chance to do as they please and go where they please--including escape permanently-- without being identified. A lot harder to keep them on the plantation, wouldn't you say?Note too that, contrary to odd prejudice in the West, wearing the chador is completely voluntary. Some women choose to, and some women choose not to.

As for people who are hanged being hooded, this might seem superficially similar, but if you think for a minute, you will realize it is really the opposite. A veil does not obscure the woman’s vision, or need not. It is there to obscure the vision of those looking at her. A hood on a hanged man is not there to prevent others from seeing him. It is there to prevent him from seeing what is happening around him.

To be able to see without being seen is to have power over all those around you. It is a power fantasy probably all of us have toyed with at one time or another: to be invisible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Slaves are shackled or otherwise controlled. Their loyalty is not sought neither its feared that someone else might woo them. a gender biased idea of chastity or purity is not attached to slaves. Where their freedom has to be curtailed, it is. Similary where the freedom of women has to be curtailed, it is. there is no difference. In case it is voluntary, then who cares? but is it? As far away as kashmir, women have been beheaded for not covering themselves or attacked with acid. the 'sati' in India was considered 'voluntary', should it be allowed? I have no bias, but times have changed and any ideas that made sense in the past (for whatever reasons, probably lawlessness), do not make sense today, no they are unfair.

Escape permanently? you don't need to be invisible to do that, you need an assurance of something better to escape, you want an identity to escape. When noone in the outer world knows you exist, where will one escape? whats the value of a faceless person? in your books more than others. amazing.

you are confused between the chadder and harry potter's invisibility cloak. under his cloak, harry potter is not seen but he's still harry potter. under a chadder you are seen and hence you are just a woman without an identity.