Playing the Indian Card

Friday, December 02, 2005

Romantic Love Lasts One Year

Romantic love is a crock. Real love comes only after marriage, and with time. The following story confirms this yet again:

The sad thing is how many marriages break up because one or the other partner has been swindled into thinking that romantic love is essential, and the real thing. Then when it fades, they think something is wrong.

Here's the kick: romantic love is a delusion based on a misreading of Medieval Christian allegories. They used romantic, or erotic, love as an allegory of the love between the soul and God. Eros was used as a metaphor for agape. Too many took the whole thing literally, and missed the referent.

Romantic love is a type of mental unbalance. They might as well have used the allegory--and did--of wine, or the dream.

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