Playing the Indian Card

Monday, December 30, 2024

The Feminist Delusion



It is a good general principle that anything stated emphatically is unlikely to be true. No one, after all, feels the need to carry placards in the street and shout loudly through a bullhorn “grass is green.”

I knew OJ was a murderer when he answered the question “Did you kill your wife” with “I absolutely did not kill her.” An innocent man would not have said “absolutely.”

This is one reason why the common consensus is almost always wrong. It is formed by those who shout the loudest, and those who simply want to keep the peace will go along.

“Methinks the lady doth protest too much” is thus a good principle.

An example that comes to mind: “a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.” The women’s movement, from the beginning, insisted that men are of no use to women, and are the disposable sex. A woman could do anything for herself that a man could do.

I submit that women need men more than men need women. The women’s movement began because men no longer needed wives. With mod cons in the home, housework was at best a part-time job. A bachelor could manage it for himself. Hugh Hefner realized this, and launched the “Playboy philosophy.” Women were needed only for sex. Betty Friedan’s essential complaint in “The Feminine Mystique” was that she was bored to death in the suburbs having nothing to do.

As luck would have it, men now hardly need women for sex either, thanks to the ready availability of internet porn. And are beginning to realize it. And women are at last beginning to panic. That they did not decades ago is a testament to how fully women are programmed to follow rather than think things out for themselves: they were perfect victims for feminism’s “consciousness raising” which taught them to scorn men. Leaving, as JD Vance controversially put it, several sad and bitter generations of crazy cat ladies. I know many women like this. If you are honest, and my age, you probably do too.

Women need men not just for protection against other, possibly predatory, men. Nor do they need them just for protection against the forces of nature. Nor to support children financially. Government and the bureaucracy happily stepped in to take over those roles. They were delighted to do so, because they wanted power, and this was a major extension to their power. Now “the personal is political.” In this, feminism has always been essentially totalitarian.

Women also, and more vitally, need men spiritually. Women are programmed by God or evolution to seek and need guidance, and not to think for themselves. This is exactly what you are not allowed to think or say--because it is obviously true. This female mental flexibility is essential in order to form the family bond—the alternative would be constant arguments and breakups, to the great emotional detriment of both parties, and the great hazard of children’s welfare. Which is of course pretty much what feminism has brought us. 

That women need men as a mental and emotional anchor is why traditionally women were married off at an early age, while men commonly married later. Men could stand years alone while they built up a nest. A woman really could not do for any time without a husband or a father. Women without a strong lead tend to lose direction, and flounder. There is a reason girls, more than boys, report a difficult adolescence, with risks of suicide, self-harm, anorexia, and depression. In that gap between guidance by father and guidance by husband, they are cast adrift. It is also the reason ghosts and table-knocking, “spiritualist” phenomena, have since Victorian times been understood to centre somehow around some adolescent girl in the home. It is the reason irrational emotional outbursts and even dramatic delusions and hallucinations used to be generically called “hysteria,” from the Greek word for uterus. Young and single, or abandoned, women, were prone to them. It is the reason witchcraft was considered a primarily female preoccupation in Europe, usually involving old and unmarried women living alone; as shamanism is a female occupation in Korea today. This is again why Saint Paul did not want women speaking in Church, and told them to “obey your husband.” Why traditional Jewish or Muslim jurisprudence required two female witnesses but just one male. It is why women are not ordained as priests. It is why many cultures make some mythic woman straying beyond male oversight the source of all trouble entering the world: Eve in the Bible, Pandora in Greek myth, Sophia in gnostic cosmology. There are similar legends among the North American Indians (“First Nations”). 

Lacking the guidance of a designated man, women are liable to listen to serpents, or demons, or whatever ideology knocks on the front door. They are naturally programmed to be a “help-meet.”

We are acting with great recklessness in ignoring this truth in modern times. There should be no surprise that we are seeing a radical decline in women’s happiness and mental health.

And, worse, we are seeing civilization itself being knocked out of its orbit.

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