Playing the Indian Card

Monday, April 22, 2024



People are waking up everywhere to a growing totalitarianism. The Young Turks are turning. Bill Maher seems to have turned. The lid is coming off, in the public square. With much thanks to Elon Musk.

But governments are not backing down. Never mind the madness in Canada. The Biden administration is now suing a company for discrimination for requiring a criminal background check of potential employees before they hire. This, apparently, disproportionately affects blacks. They have amended Title 9 , without any congressional mandate, to force schools everywhere to let men use women’s washrooms, and to remove due process in charges of sexual assault. 

In Canada, Trudeau’s new budget pushes up the capital gains tax, further discouraging any new investment, while Canada’s productivity is already collapsing due to a lack of new investment. They are actively discouraging development of our natural resources. In a time of high inflation, they are jacking up the carbon tax.

Where does this end? The troubling thing is that the US administration, Trudeau’s, and governments elsewhere in the developed world, seem to be showing contempt for the general public, for average folks, their traditions, wellbeing, and safety. How, in a democracy, can this make sense to them? Do they plan to fix the election?

Surely they do. In the US and Canada, they are doing whatever they can to fix the election in plan view, by censoring dissent and pursuing their opponents through the courts.

Given that they will go this far, if Trump wins anyway, will the apparatus of government simply refuse to obey? Tucker Carlson believes the Deep State took out Kennedy and Nixon. Why not Trump?

But the public has greater visibility with the Internet than it used to. They are more likely now to see and understand. And with the Internet, they have better ability to organize outside of government, making totalitarianism harder to enforce. 

I dread the thought, but I now see actual revolution as likely. I fear that flag is going to go up soon in at least one major developed country. 

Those currently in power are to blame. But the short-term results are likely to be terrible for everyone. 

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