Playing the Indian Card

Wednesday, February 01, 2023

We Need to Talk about Canada


Tucker Carlson, on air, has asked whether it is time for the US to intervene in Canada. After all, does America want another Cuba?

I remember when I was younger saying I would be ready to die if necessary to stop an American invasion.

Now I think I would welcome it. My concern is only that freedom and democracy in the US is not that much more stable than in Canada. Give me a DeSantis or Trump regime in Washington, and I would feel good about it. The Americans are our guarantee against tyranny, and tyranny is plainly developing in Canada at the federal level.

I expect in military terms it would be an almost bloodless affair. Whether the Canadian forces would even bother to put up a fight is doubtful. Why resist? If the Americans annex Canada, life goes on, only with more freedoms, full democracy, and greater prosperity. And potentially much less fuss crossing the border for a job or a vacation. 

I could live with that.

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