Playing the Indian Card

Sunday, February 12, 2023

The Growing Menace of Catholicism


You may have wondered how the American FBI has decided that traditionalist Catholics are “white supremacists.”

I think I can explain.

In a recent class with a middle school student, the text offered this proposed essay topic:

“Why everyone should be vegetarian.”

“That’s really racist!” he responded.

“Racist? Why?”

“It is forcing everyone to be vegetarian.”

“I don’t see that. It says ‘should,’ not ‘must.’ It could be giving health advice.”

“OK, my bad. It’s not racist.”

This seems to reveal the assumptions children are getting indoctrinated into, either in school or, possibly, on the Internet.

“Racism,” in woke vernacular, no longer has anything to do with race. It is about culture. Or rather, it is about morality. 

Because cultures supposedly have different moralities, any mention of moral issues is racist. Even if the moral stance cannot be identified with a particular culture, let alone a particular race. You are claiming racial superiority the moment you say anything is wrong. 

It is the belief in “cultural relativism” that makes the woke so supportive of multiculturalism. It even leads them to support Islam, a highly moralistic religion. Because its morality is supposedly different from Christian morality; so it helps to undermine morality generally. 

But Satanism is better. Any reference to religion is prohibited in the public square; Super Bowl commercials about Jesus are widely condemned by the woke. But Satanism figures prominently at the Grammies.

This belief that the different world religions differ in their moral values is false. Except around the edges. Kant has proven that the basis of morality is universal and self-evident. The woke believe in moral relativism because they want to believe this. They need to out of a guilty conscience. Which goes back to abortion and the sexual revolution. For proof, mention the word “sin,” or phrase “conventional morality,” and they will automatically think of sex.

So, because traditionalist Catholics hold to traditional moral values, they are by this definition white supremacists. No matter what their skin colour, or opinions on race. Anyone who believes in right and wrong is a white supremacist.

Of course, the awkward corollary is that all non-whites are evil. This may, in time, come back to bite. You never know. Funny how conscience leads us into self-condemnations like that.

Now go away and let the woke do whatever their baser instincts tell them to.

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