Playing the Indian Card

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Dawn of the Dead


I feel as though Jacinda Ardern was the canary. Along with Damar Hamlin. I feel as though we are at a Stalingrad and Al Alamein moment. While not entirely visible yet, while the bad guys are actually at their furthest extent, they are overextended and desperate. I feel the tide is turning against the woke.

Reputedly Pope Benedict has a book coming out, held back to be published posthumously, in which he cuts loose. Now he may speak frankly about the corruption in the church. His secretary has just released a similar book. Cardinal Pell has been revealed posthumously as the author of a letter harshly criticizing Pope Francis and the wokening of the church. Their recent death actually gives Benedict and Pell added authority; a though they are martyrs, speaking from heaven. 

Pope Francis is losing the moral high ground. The moral high ground matters; it is the whole battle.

Something similar is happening in US politics; with the admission that Hunter Biden’s laptop was authentic, and now the discovery of classified documents scattered around Biden’s offices and residences. It is more than a bit mysterious; since the documents are being uncovered in slow motion, in the presence of Biden’s lawyers, why is this happening? And how much of the truth are we really being allowed to see?

Most likely, this is a palace coup. Because, as with Ardern, the dark forces who control the Democratic Party see worse scandals coming down the pike, and need Biden as the pre-emptive scapegoat. He’s old, he’s had his time at the trough; time for him to take it for the team.

 Everyone surely now realizes that Biden is, at a minimum, a habitual liar. Also probably deeply corrupt, and possibly working against the nation’s interest.

But it I not hard to guess what the coming scandal is that is requiring the defenestration of Ardern and Biden. It has to do with the Covid pandemic and the vaccine.

The collapse on the field of Damar Hamlin has similarly lifted the veil on the risks of the Covid vaccine. No more just a rumour some of us had heard; people are waking up as if from a dream. Suddenly everyone realized something was wrong. Scott Adams has now publicly admitted he was wrong to scoff at the anti-vaxx movement. 

Worse, the virus itself came from a government lab, involving US government funding.

The ruling elite worldwide are revealed as responsible for the deaths of millions. 

It is hard to see how any government that demanded vaccine mandates can now remain in power in any democratic country. Notably, in Canada, the truckers are vindicated, and Trudeau is revealed as a monster.

And he knew what he was doing. His hysterical reaction to the convoy shows that.

He, and the other leaders, no doubt did not intend the virus to escape, but they did exploit the crisis to try to seize more power and control over their people.

We now know, thanks to Elon Musk, that “big tech” and government were colluding to suppress dissent and control the political process. “Big pharma” was suppressing possible cures.

On the one hand, it is disorienting and frightening to discover that your government, and “the science,” and the media, and your electronic gadgets, and the church, cannot be trusted, and you might drop dead at any moment from a heart attack because your trusted them and got triple-vaccinated or more. The atmosphere feels almost surreal, apocalyptic.

On the other hand, although there is a terrible death toll, and it has not come to an end, this is the sensation brought on by sudden change, or sudden revelatory knowledge. There is an earthquake in our collective worldview. 

I thought as of a couple of years ago that the Covid epidemic was working like a sudden flash of lightning in the dark, revealing where all the zombies are.

Now the aftermath feels almost like a new day dawning.

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