Playing the Indian Card

Sunday, April 25, 2021

That Old Hallelujah Chorus

My friend Xerxes recently wrote a column suggesting that the COVID pandemic might go on and on. I do not think so, and wrote so at the time. I think we’ll get a pretty good handle on it by the summer, and we have seen the worst.

But others objected to the column on quite different grounds. One responded, not that Xerxes was too pessimistic on the facts, but that he did not like to contemplate such a dystopian future. A second objected to thinking about COVID because “we become what we think about.” A third, objecting to the gloom her husband was exposing them all to on the TV news, wanted to “vehemently” sing at him “‘I’ve got that joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart ...”

This reveals the sickness in our hearts. Not only are these people grossly immoral, but they are calling morality itself immoral. This is the one unforgivable sin, and all of them are committing it. Our moral duty is to seek the truth. If truth is to us of no value, what exactly are our values?

There is a reason Satan is called the “father of lies.”

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