Playing the Indian Card

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Pandemonium in the Magic Kingdom


Why did Disney commit suicide by going woke instead of tending to its core business of entertainment? It is an abiding mystery. Why did the BBC series “Call the Midwife” go woke? For that matter, why did Anheuser-Busch seem to deliberately alienate its core customer base, with its Dylan Mulvaney sponsorship?

The conventional and natural answer is that these corporate bodies were taken over by some educated elite which had lost touch with the general public; who were trapped in an information silo, and had no idea everyone did not agree with them.

No doubt that is a partial explanation; thanks to media and internet censorship. But it does not seem to be enough to account for it. After all, their core business was still to entertain, or sell beer; there should have been no reason to get involved in politics. As soon as you do, after all you are sure to alienate somebody. Even without opposing voices, the causes they champion are in defiance of reason or common sense. And in principle, even with censorship, the internet should have been making it easier for creatives to poll or solicit the views of the general public: improved communication. Now ordinary people can run their own podcasts or blogs. Censorship of the internet is a rearguard action. 

The Disney and Bud Light crew must at a minimum have been trying to avoid listening to the public, even though it was their job to do so. They had their fingers in their ears. Why?

Guilt. One wants to block out opposing views when one anticipates criticism, and knows it is deserved. Ultimately, guilt over jettisoning “conventional morality,” and most especially, over endorsing abortion. And so, fearing condemnation, the creative elites have been avoiding listening.

But there is another layer to this. Creativity works by inspiration. Inspiration is not something you can turn on and off. It comes from God, or if not from God, from some ambient spirit. In other words, a demon. If you are concealing guilt, and refusing to repent, you have cut off that conduit to God. You may her nothing, and be obliged to recycle old material just substituting some simple gimmick. Or you may instead begin to hear from ambient spirits; and rejoice in no longer being barren of ideas. But they do not have your or humanity’s interests at heart. “As flies to wanton boys are we to th' gods, They kill us for their sport.”

Guilt and doubt has turned off the taps for the creative class; so art in general has been moribund for decades. The Disney creatives are unable any longer to come up with compelling stories; the comedy writers can no longer come up with punch lines; the ad copywriters can no longer come up with interesting angles. Instead, coming into this void, the signals they are picking up are malicious, vices, seeking ultimately to destroy their careers, their employers, and the culture.

Creative types are not adept at questioning or testing the spirits. You do not argue with inspiration. And so they are easily possessed.

All hell is breaking loose.

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