Playing the Indian Card

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Tulsi Gabbard Comes Out


Tulsi Gabbard has publicly left the Democratic Party. She condemned it, for, among other things, anti-white racism.

I think there is a growing awareness of this; I think also of how a British monarchy expert recently kicked back at Don Lemon calling for British reparations for slavery; and Kanye West and Candice Owens appearing with “White Lives Matter” t-shirts.

A correspondent recently wrote to Xerxes “There is no way that the white Christian race will ever honestly and sincerely be able to apologize (and really mean it) for all it has inflicted on other races -- and continues to do so today. With ‘Killer Kapitalism’ rampaging. the chances of justice and equality are turning into mirages.”

If you replace “white Christian race” with “Jewish race” in the above, you have a perfect statement of Nazi doctrine. Including the hostility to capitalism and blaming it on one race.

We are at the point when it is not possible to be a good. moral person, and be on the political left. The right used to think of the left simply was soft-headed, "low information." That's not believable any longer. You pretty much have to be consciously evil.

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