Playing the Indian Card

Friday, June 06, 2014

The Bergdahl Affair

The Obama administration's handling of the Bergdahl affair is, to my mind, historic. It will be in the history books. It is the defining moment of Obama's presidency. It is so obviously wrong in so many ways. How could it have happened? Doesn't Obama have advisors?

Two thoughts. First, this illustrates a point David Frum made about George Bush. It is not enough to have good advisors. You will always have conflicting advice, and advice does not come in little packages saying “good” and “bad.” You need to know it when you see it. There is no substitute for a wise and knowledgeable leader.

Second thought: reputedly, Obama has long claimed to be smarter than any of his advisors. He may well think so. If so, as he finds himself increasingly in political difficulties, over Obamacare, the VA, and so on, his instincts may have been to blame his advisors, and rely less and less over time on anyone else's advice. 

The apparent deepening incompetence of the Obama administration may be the result. It would not be the first time hubris has led to a tragic outcome.

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