Playing the Indian Card

Friday, January 18, 2008

The Boy Genius Speaks

Four things the Republicans need in order to win the presidency, according to Karl Rove speaking before the Republican National Committee:

1. Get out and introduce themselves to the American people. Okay; any candidate can do that. Maybe a rap against Thompson, who seems less energetic about that.
2. Engage on kitchen table issues: the economy, education, health care, jobs. Essentially, any candidate can do this, although McCain might be faulted currently for not stressing this enough.
3. Campaign for non-traditional Republican voters. Advantage here to Rudy Giuliani and McCain, I think, who most appeal to non-Republicans and groups not traditionally Republican.

“The fourth thing the Republican candidate needs to do, Rove said, is demonstrate strength on the central issue of our time: Iraq. Republicans must show that ‘they understand that the surge is working; that all those defeatist and naysayers and negative people who said it won't work were wrong.’ The Republican nominee must present a striking contrast on the Iraq issue with whomever the Democrats nominate. The 2008 election won't be about whether or not it was a mistake to invade. It will be about how to build on our recent successes.”

This seems to argue strongly for Giuliani or McCain.

If Rove’s famous political instincts are still sound, that’s who the American Republicans should nominate.

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