Playing the Indian Card

Sunday, July 08, 2007

News Flash: Catholics Believe What They Say
Media Caught Off-Guard for Past Fifty Years

Sadly, yesterday, the National Post joined the chorus of those pushing the bogus story that Pope Benedict was planning an “anti-Semitic” mass: “Prayer for Jews’ conversion may return,” July 6. They do not make the obvious mistake of thinking this has anything to do with the phrase “perfidious Jews”; but report that the Tridentine Latin form of the Mass calls for God to “take the veil” off Jewish minds, and to show “mercy” to them.

This too is actually not true. Only the Good Friday Rite ever included those words.

The co-president of the Canadian Jewish Congress complains that this “almost amounts to a call to convert.”

Golly; that’s wrong? Who’d have though Catholics actually believed what they say they believe? Because, if you truly believe something is the truth, and your instincts towards your fellow man are benevolent, you will naturally hope they see it too. Any religion that does not unambiguously pray that all men come to embrace it as the truth is not a religion. It is just an excuse for a party, and a job for a few clever Pharisees.

In a fine non sequitor, the same article also reports an editorial in “the liberal French Catholic magazine Témoignage Chrétien” criticizing the Vatican for “fostering two liturgies within one Church.”

Odd, that that would be thought to be a problem; since the Catholic Church already has over twenty. At our one Catholic Church here in this part of the Middle East, with its international community, six distinct Catholic rites are celebrated every week.

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